Chapter 15: I Might Be Ready For A Boyfriend

Josh had acted on an impulse when he landed back in Wichita and called Hailey to see when Payton was coming in. While he was in New York, he'd thought about their relationship, or lack thereof. He had even confided in his brother, which he hadn't done in a long time. He knew that he wouldn't be able to mend the relationship with Jackson overnight, but they had both taken steps to put the past behind them. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had his old brother back.

The conclusion he'd come to was that maybe having to work to be with someone wasn't such a bad thing, if they were worth it; he was pretty sure that Payton was worth any work he had to put into their relationship. Jackson had a good laugh at his expense when he found out how hard he was having to work after Josh put his mind at ease that she was nothing like Ella.