Chapter 17: You Look Really Beat

Josh was confused as to why Payton didn't want her grandpa around. If he'd been injured, or was in the hospital, there was no doubt that his parents would be there with him.

"Shh, calm down. Everything's gonna be fine," he said, trying to soothe her.

She tried to speak several times but couldn't seem to form the words. Eventually her breathing slowed, her eyes shut, and she was asleep again. Whatever had been going into her IV was knocking her out. He hated that she was so out of it, but glad that she looked better. He had really been worried about her the night before.

He tried to help out as much as he could by giving them information about her past medical conditions, and the head injury she'd told him about, but he didn't know much. They weren't giving him much information either since he wasn't her next of kin. Since he got to stay with her, he didn't push it.