Chapter 54: You Trying To Punish Me?

School had finally started... well, sort of. Summer break was officially over for her. The kids weren't showing up for a few more days, but Emma was in the classroom. The time she spent now helped her to feel more prepared when the year started. This time of year was always exciting. She knew by the end of the year she'd be happy to pass all the little kids on to the next grade and say goodbye. Right now, though, she was optimistic and ready to go.

She'd just finished getting her desk all set up when there was a knock on her classroom door.

"Hey Em, wanna go get some lunch with me?" Blake asked as he wandered into the room.

"Sure, where are we going?"

"You pick, I'll drive. Meet you out front in fifteen."

"See ya."

When she made her way out the front door fifteen minutes later, Blake was waiting for her.

"Did you decide where we're headed, hot stuff?"

"You know, I have almost a whole pan of homemade lasagna in my fridge. You up for that?"