Chapter 53: Nothing Has To Change

"I can't take it anymore," Josh declared as the guys walked out of Target. They'd spent a long time at Best Buy, over an hour at the sporting goods store, and they'd been walking around Target for what seemed like hours. The girls said they'd call or text when they were ready, but as the hours passed and the text didn't come, it was clear that they might have to go in and get them. "That's it! Drive me to the mall so we can get them out of there before it gets dark. I'm starving."

Jackson rolled his eyes at his brother, "I can tell. You remind me of those Snickers commercials. Hungry Josh isn't fun to deal with."

Laughing Josh punched him in the arm, "Point made. I swear you'd think with how long they've been gone they'd have spent all the money in their accounts."

"Not necessarily. You know women can go and 'just look' for hours."

"Yeah right," Josh said and huffed.
