Chapter 57: So You Do Care

In the weeks that'd passed since the wedding, things had pretty much reverted to normal. The house that had become wedding central was starting to look like it had before the happy couple had tied the knot. Things seemed to be exactly the way they were before, only now Payton was sporting a rock on her ring finger, and it didn't bother Jackson near as much as he thought it would.

Excitement filled Jackson as he grabbed his pack list and headed for the basement. They found out at work that their unit was slotted for an exercise coming up. While a lot of people moaned and groaned, these were the things Jackson lived for. He loved doing any training exercise or going into the field. When he was doing those things, he felt like he was actually getting to use the skills he'd been trained to do.

He was just starting to pull out his stuff in his corner of the basement when he heard Payton come in.

"Good thing we have all this space. Who knew you'd have so much junk?"