Chapter 63: Mini Van Convention

Jackson had been talking a good game, but as the plane got closer to Nashville, the more nervous he became. All the reasons he'd been excited about going to visit Emma's family were fading, and he was starting to dread what he might be walking into. Emma had been going on and on about how bad her brothers were, and while he had told her he could deal with it, he was starting to wonder. He could have handled a few days with them, but for some reason, Emma had talked him into a whole week with them. Since they were giving time off freely during the holiday in his company, he didn't have that excuse to not stay with her.

To make matters worse, he found out everyone seemed to be fighting about where they were going to stay. At one point in time, her brother Matt had suggested that Emma stay with her parents and he stay with him. Thankfully that wasn't how things ended up. He had heard a lot about that particular brother, and he knew he didn't want to be caught alone with the guy.