Chapter 64: She's Still Got It

When Jackson woke in the dim light the next morning, he was sure he'd be alone for a while that morning. Who actually got up at six on vacation? He did. He hated getting up in the mornings, but now it'd been a part of his life for so long. Sadly, six was sleeping in. He thought maybe a run would be nice, so he pulled on his sweats and took his shoes with him to the living room. Only when he got out there, he wasn't alone. Olivia was up and already making coffee.

"Oh, hey, I didn't realize you'd be up this early," she said.

"I'm just gonna go for a run. I can't seem to sleep late even if I want to."

Olivia nodded, "There's a good running path at the park two blocks over."

"Good to know. I shouldn't be more than an hour."

Forty-five minutes later he made his way back to Olivia's for a much-needed shower. Once he was finished, he changed for the day and found his way back to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

"Want something to eat?" Olivia asked.

"Nah, this is good."