Chapter 74: How Can I Trust You?

Jackson woke way too early the next morning and hated that he couldn't just fall back asleep. He'd give anything to go back to the good 'ol days when he could sleep late, but that just wasn't the way his body worked anymore. Carefully he slid out of the bed and got dressed and headed to the gym. And once he'd run a solid forty-five minutes, he was cooled down and headed back to the room.

When he arrived back, Emma was still sound asleep, and it didn't look like that was going to change anytime soon. She had tossed and turned for a bit after he'd brought her back to the room the night before, but after half an hour, she was out cold. She hadn't even moved really. He hoped she wasn't going to wake up stiff and sore.

Speaking of stiff and sore, Jackson's muscles were protesting after the hard run he'd just done. Taking a hot shower was just what the doctor ordered to relax them, so that's what he did, and then he crawled back in bed and pulled Emma into his arms.