Chapter 75: Promise Me

Getting home from vacation sucked. Jackson hated that he had to come back to reality, but he didn't really have time to think about it. It was go time. The office was busy getting everything ready for deployment, and he was in the middle of it. The big kicker was that he still hadn't received his orders yet. He was told they were coming any day, but they weren't showing up. Jackson was worried that Emma was getting her hopes up because, without orders, he wasn't deploying. He had told her time and time again that his orders weren't the only ones that hadn't been issued, but each time she asked, and he had to tell her they hadn't shown up, he could see her building up a false sense of hope.

As he was making his way back into the office one of his soldiers yelled, "Hey, L.T., there's something in the box for you."