Chapter 77: You Can't Come Home Until You Leave

When he opened his eyes, Jackson saw the light and realized it was morning. It had come way too soon. He wasn't one who usually got worked up about leaving or heading out, but it was different this time. He had something to lose if he didn't come home. He had thought he'd been in love with Payton before he left last time, but he knew now that he wasn't. What he felt for her and what he felt for Emma were two totally different things. He still loved Payton, but it was the same way he loved Addison. He'd do anything for either of his brother's wives. Emma was totally different, though. She would be the reason he'd put one foot in front of the other and soldier on.

"You awake too?" Emma quietly asked.


He pulled her closer and felt her small arms pulling him close. He turned to his side so he could get her flush against him. He could look at her eyes forever and ever get tired of them. Jackson leaned in and gave her a kiss before she tucked her head against his chest.