Chapter 78: I Can't Do This Anymore

Addison sat on the sofa looking around the living room. She had been so excited when they'd closed on their house last month, and she'd worked hard to make it feel like the home they'd dreamed of. When her eyes landed on her suitcase by the door in the kitchen, she started to cry... again.

Today had been a really crappy day. She'd been worried about her brother-in-law leaving for another deployment, and when she tried to call, he didn't answer. She realized she'd totally missed calling him. Thankfully she got off a text in time for him to see it and respond. She called Emma who had broken down and cried like she'd never heard anyone cry before. She didn't know how to help her, but she knew that there had to be something.

Grabbing her phone, she activated the screen and made the call she'd been dreading all day.

"Adams, McMann, and Webster, this is Rebecca. How may I help you?"

"Hi Rebecca, it's Addison."

"Oh, hi. How are things?"