Chapter 94: Don’t You Dare Leave Me

Jackson: Hey sexy lady, you there?

Emma: Hey Lt Hottie! I've missed you!

Jackson: Had to earn that paycheck.

Emma: I know, it just sucks. I worry about you.

Jackson: I worry about you too.

Emma: Don't. Keep your head in the game.

Jackson: Always do.

Emma: School started so that's got me busy. I'm fine. Honest.

Jackson: I can tell you're lying even on chat.

Emma: I'll be fine.

Jackson: I'll call in a couple days. I've gotta head to bed.

Emma: Yeah, I need to get ready for school. Sleep well.

Jackson: I will now. Love you.

Emma: Love you too.

For the first time that week Emma could relax. She'd heard from Jackson, and he was okay. He'd sent her a message almost two weeks ago letting her know he'd be off the grid for a while. When he didn't send anything back after a week, she kind of freaked out. Okay, she'd really freaked out. It had been two long weeks, but he was finally back.