Chapter 95: I Think It’s Time

Bryce sat looking out the window in his office. It'd taken four years to work himself up to the corner office, and he was determined to love every minute he spent there. As he glanced at the view, he took in all the surroundings. He hadn't wanted to move to Arizona in the first place. He had always thought it would be a hot and dusty hell hole. He was pretty much right, but he'd grown to love it there. He and Addison had really made a life for themselves here.

"Mr. Portwood?" the secretary's voice called over the phone.


"Call line one."


Picking up the phone he pushed the button for the line one, "Good morning, this is Bryce."

"Christ on a cracker! Where the hell is your phone?"

Sitting up straight, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end, "What's wrong, baby?"

"We've all been trying to get ahold of you, Bryce."

"Addison! What's wrong?"