Chapter 108: I’m Going Out Of My Mind

Addison was having the best dream ever when the phone woke her. She should have put it on silent, but she was worried that if someone really needed her, they wouldn't be able to get her. She'd been so tired recently, and she couldn't even blame work since she'd officially quit her job several weeks before. Grabbing the phone, she saw it was an unknown, so she let it go to voicemail and fell back to sleep.

"Baby," Bryce whispered near her ear.

"Why you home so early?" she mumbled at him.

"It's almost six. You feeling okay?"

Addison sat up and looked around, "I can't believe I slept that long. I'm sorry."

He smiled at her, "You sure you're okay? You're usually not this out of it."

"Yeah," she said before a big yawn.

"Well, let me get changed, and then I'll help you make dinner."

"No need," she told him as she stretched. "I knew I was dragging so I picked up something to throw in the pressure cooker. Dinner will be ready in like twenty."