Chapter 109: I Think I Want That Too

"It's so good to have all you kids home for the holidays," Penny said as she looked around the table at each of the boys. The girls had all gone shopping so it was just Bryce and his brothers with his parents for lunch. It reminded him of the time not too long ago when Josh had first brought Payton home. Things had sure changed since then.

When crying came from the other room Jackson and Bryce both jumped up to grab the munchkin. With a smile, Josh sat back in his seat, "Knock yourselves out boys. I change enough of those twenty-pound diapers." With that remark Jackson wrinkled his nose and sat back down. Realizing he'd won, Bryce did a fist pump in the air and headed down the hall to find his favorite niece. He loved that kid and didn't care if he had to change her, feed her, or put her to sleep. He was going to spend whatever time he could cuddled up with the little princess.