Chapter 121: We've Got To Go

Baby watch was in full swing. Emma was due to go in for a c-section in two weeks, but the doctor had told her she might go into labor at any time. Emma had thought that things would ease up with the pregnancy as it went on, and she was right for a couple months, but toward the end, the morning sickness came back full swing, and with carrying twins, she'd really had a hard time managing with her small frame. Because of all that, the doctor didn't even give her a choice; she just set her surgery date.

With everything going on and the possibility that she could go into labor at any time, Bryce and Addison had gone into full on baby mode. They had the nursery finished. The car seats installed and checked by a certified person, bags for the babies packed, and anything else they could think of. Bryce was sure there were a hundred things they didn't think of, but if they couldn't do without it, they'd find a place and buy it.