Chapter 122: It’s Not Enough

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, they had just enough time to see Emma and Jackson before they were taken back for surgery. Even with the bad mood she was in from the conversation she and Bryce had had, Addison was filled with happiness. It looked like Jackson and Emma were in good spirits too. Josh and Payton had brought the girls up to see their aunt and uncle, and now they were all waiting for news of the birth of the newest additions.

"Please tell me we didn't miss it," Penny hollered as she rushed into the waiting room.

"Ma, calm down and stop running. You're gonna bust a hip," Bryce told her.

"Are they here?" Penny asked.

Addison hugged her, "No, they haven't said anything yet. They just took them back. Where's Glenn?"

"Parking the car," she told them as she tried to catch her breath. "Did they say how long?"

"Maybe an hour?"