Chapter 125: Yeah, Some Night

Bryce couldn't believe the nerve of the man showing up here. Dan and Melissa had made it clear that they didn't want to be a part of their lives, and now, here was Dan at their door. How the hell did he know where they were anyway? As far as he knew Addison hadn't told them, they'd moved.

"What are you doing here, Daddy?"

"I came to see you. I figured it's time to put all this nonsense to rest."

"It's not nonsense, and you can't just bully me into doing whatever you want. Bryce is my husband, and I'm going to be with him no matter what you say. You can either support that or butt out. That hasn't changed. And how'd you know where to find me?"

"Now Addison," Dan said holding up a hand, "I'm not here to fight. I know I've missed a lot in your life, and if you'd have me, I'd like to be a part of it again."

"I'm not sure I can just do that."