"Park the car next to that van over there," Gerard pointed. "It looks like Guardino beat us here."
Law enforcement vehicles were parked every which way on the property leading to the crime scene. The two followed the path toward the commotion and stopped when they saw the yellow tape closing off the scene to intruders. A few feet away, the victim's body lay covered with a sheet. Gerard introduced himself and Jessie.
"I can't let you in, sir. The supervisor who's talking to the other detective will help you out."
"I'd appreciate yo..." The captain's voice interrupted their conversation.
"He's okay, Mitch. You can let them inside the crime scene." Gerard nodded and held the crime scene tape up for Jess. Guardino met them.
"His ID confirms its Keenan. Wait until you see his body. Christ, Morton used him for target practice."