Getting a call from Majesty

A few hours later, on the North Block, Rodriguez and his dear friend, cellmate, Lenard are entering the Cafeteria, because the Dinner has come, and on this dinner, they are serving potatoes, the ones who are freshly taken from the garden, but they at least served it with ketchup... Indian hottest ketchup.

They do arrive safe there, and they go to their seat with a table with two raw potatoes, without any ketchup because they didn't want it. Rodriguez is using his fork to cut his first potato in half and proceed to eat it like this is just a normal meal for him. But for Lenard, it was tough, not only because it was not even properly well-made, but it also the fact that it had two to three worms in there. Lenard almost threw up when Rodriguez asked him a ridiculous question.

"Would you like to trade it?"


After this meal, these two prisoner are heading to the Library of this Prison, because they've got tasked to use a broom to wipe out the blood from there. Looks like a fight was going on here, and not a mentally or verbally type. A battle so fierce that one of the inmates has a broken pelvis. Rodriguez cleans the floor, while Lenard is cleaning the bookshelves, who has some blood on those books from realistic fiction.

While they were cleaning, one of the inmate came to Lenard, looking serious at him. While the inmate was looking closely at Lenard as a good girl with a nice body, Rodriguez came, separate that man from his cellmate, and he asks him.

"Do you have a problem with, my friend?"

"No." says the inmate, handing to Lenard a piece of paper. "Our North Block King has summoned you, Lenard. Be prepared for the things that might come. And do not be late, or else there will consequences... grave consequences." he said the last part with a tone that it made Lenard having goosebumps.

Then, the inmate leaves the area, letting Rodriguez and Lenard reading the paper this strong inmate has given to them. But before they were about to do it, one guard told them to continue to carry on this task, so they put this later in Lenard pocket and carry this task. after they did finish the task, that guard let them go back to their cells where they will stay there until the next day because now it is almost nighttime.


"Dear, Lenard! And also Rodriguez." read Lenard that piece of paper in loud voice to Rodriguez. "This might seem to you a piece of paper, but for this prison it is a call. A call from the King itself! Which is me, by the way! You two should be grateful to be summoned because this might be the chance to change your life, completely. Come Tomorrow, on the 9 o'clock, to the Forgotten Cell where I will give you a mission. A mission with a reward." he puts the paper down, and he looks concerned at Rodriguez. "Should we go?"

"Of course, we have to go. The King itself has summoned us, friend." reply Rodriguez. "The last person, who didn't go, has been killed in the middle of the day. It was a brutal execution... Are you feeling scared?"


"Don't worry, friend." says Rodriguez. "The King will only give us a small task. It will probably not be exhausting or getting us into big trouble."

"I hope so." whispered Lenard before these two were about to head to their bed and start reading the books they have been given to this day, as a reward for cleaning the Library.