Capturing Greg Guard - Part 1

Tomorrow morning, Lenard it is the first one to wake up, due to the sound of his neighbor from the other cell getting bullied by guards. This is a thing which sick guards are doing in order to laugh and feel better because nowadays, cigarettes are so expensive, not even a high schooler could afford it.

The beating took a few minutes, then Lenard could hear the cell door closing on the next cell, and the footsteps of the guard getting lower. Then, silence, total silence. Lenard thought: "Did they murder that prisoner in cold blood, right in this morning?". But thankfully, the guy weren't dead because Lenard heard the door getting opened and the prisoner, being all injured, proceed to slowly walk around these cells, wondering if he can find some kind of help.

He sees Lenard looking at him, and he directly asked him.

"Do you have some bandages or morphine?"

"Um. No." responded Lenard, but then, Rodriguez wakes up from his bed, and he heads to the door cell.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes. I got beat up by the guards in the morning. And I need some help to stop the bleeding." he says that while he shows his arm with a lot of blood to Rodriguez, and eventually to Lenard after he came close to look at him.

"I see. Go to the Cell 6, they do have some bandages. And here, take these." he hands to the neighbor one cent. "These might be enough for one morphine."

"Thank you very much, sir." says the man, feeling happy that he got a cent which will help him buy one morphine, or bandages.

Rodriguez turns around to Lenard and he tells him.

"Wake me up when the 9 o'clock comes."

"Yes." responded Lenard, going back to his bed and proceed to read a story made by Jules Verne until the hour nine will come.

Rodriguez sits back on his bed, and he tries to sleep. After thirty seconds, this man has jumped on the sleep mode. but while this massive man is sleeping, Lenard could hear the snoring coming from Rodriguez and this made Lenard shit his pants (verbally) because this was more like a bear roar than a normal snore. He takes a quick look to be sure it is roommate, and when he sees him sleeping he became relieved, and jumped back to his reading.


At the 9 o'clock, all the cell doors have been opened up instantly, which means today it is Free Time, and this means they are allowed to go anywhere on this Prison until the 22 o'clock. Now this wasn't implemented before Lenard arrived, it was put yesterday because the guards wanted to see someone murdered instead of murdering them.

Anyway, Lenard and with Rodriguez leaves their cell, and they are heading to the meeting place where the King of this Block it is awaiting them. They are going there on a fast yet slow peace because they do not want to get into trouble with a random prisoner. But they did get in trouble with a prisoner who got a fork on his hands while he was probably at the Cafeteria. He threatens Lenard and Rodriguez that he will attack both of them, but Rodriguez grabbed the fork, he twisted it like it was nothing, and the prisoner flee from here, back into his cell.

Lenard and Rodriguez are walking to the cell where the meeting is happening, and in just approximately one minute, Lenard adn Rodriguez have arrived in the front of those "gates" where one big buff prisoner looks menacingly at them.

"What are you doing in this sacred place?"

"We've got called." says Rodriguez to that man, handing him the letter North Block King brought to their cells.