We are moving one step closer

On the next day, Rodriguez wakes up, and he sees his cellmate, awake and scared. Rodriguez shakes the man, and he is back away like a cat, and then he looks hopefully at his cellmate while he is shaking.

"W-What happened to you?" asks Rodriguez trying to stop Lenard from shaking.

"H-H-He is back." tells Lenard frighted by the dream he was having when he was sleeping.

"Who? who is back?"

"Back when I was a teenager, I was diagnosed with multiple personality disease. The man I always feared, and I thought he would never come back, he actually came back. That is the man that made me commit those killings."

"He was also the one who made you commit that robbery you say you didn't do it?"

"... Oh, shit..." he says after he realized this thing. "The man who done that... Was actually the other personality of mine. But still, the cops will believe that."

"True, plus nowadays, the prison have cut the thing with the crazy people. And they are doing the same punishment of the one with no mental problems."

Lenard looks at his hands, he blinked for a second and then his own hands are having the blood, then he wakes up from this hallucination while he was screaming, and he is looking frightened at Rodriguez, who is having an injury on his face. He is frightened as Lenard. And both of them are looking at each other, with no words to describe the sudden event that was happening earlier. Then, Lenard, who is feeling sorry for what he has done, he told to Rodriguez.

"I am sorry... The other personality did this."

"Hell." says Rodriguez surprised. "I heard of multiple personality disorder, but I never thought it is this bad."

"So are you not going to hit me?"

"Not you, the other you will be hit."

"Ah... Alright."

Then, out of a sudden, a guard comes, and he opens the cell from North Block number three, that guard sees that Rodriguez is having blood on his face, then, he sees Lenard there, with hands with blood marks on it. The guard laughs at this and he tells Rodriguez.

"A man like you, being beaten by a chicken like him." he laughs for a few more seconds until a teardrop out from his eye, and he says to Rodriguez. "Anyway, someone is looking for you at the Vising Room."

"Alright." says Rodriguez to the guard, and he is walking out of this cell, then he heads to the Visiting Room with the guard on his back, with a pistol prepared. This made Rodriguez, like an inmate uncomfortable because the guards are crying these guns only to inspire fear into the inmates.


A few moments later, Rodriguez and with the guard are entering the Visiting Room where the guard shows where his visitor it i, and goes to the wall to light a cigarette and smoke it. Rodriguez thanked him, and he goes to the number one desk where Carmen, the woman is working for a long time with, are there and waiting for him. Rodriguez sits on the chair, took the phone which connects the other side. Carmen also took the phone to hear the thing Rodriguez has to say to her.

"Hey! I did not expect you here."

"Hey!" says Carmen to Rodriguez at the phone. "It is alright? Because today might be your lucky day."

"What do you mean?"

"The rescue might be coming soon." she whispers on the phone while a guard is walking closer to Rodriguez, and they are looking at each other in silence, then, after a few seconds, Carmen continues to speak. "We have evidences thanks to our Agent Jeremy who managed to get a hold of video recording of this boss who ordered a man to commit five murders and treated him with disrespect. This would even make the UN angry."

"Alright. Who was that person who committed the crimes?"

"He only told me it was someone named Lenard. I believe it is your cellmate."

"Yes. He suffers from a disease."


"Multiple personality disorder."

"Ah... These people who are running this "Prison" are going to be in so much trouble when they are going to find out they are putting crazy people and normal inmates in the same prison and cell. And look, with all the things you have done to us, maybe we can manage to free you earlier."

"It would be nice for you, but... I don't think I deserve to be outside."


"I have committed crimes. I have killed people and done a lot of bad things."

"So you'd rather remain here until your punishment will be over instead of going outside and having a job guaranteed with a house?"

"When you remain on this prison, you will realize the life here and the one outside it ain't that different."

"Hey!" says the guard coming to them. "You have five more minutes."

"Okay." says Rodriguez to the guard who is going to talk to another at a few feet from them.

"So you refuse my offer?"

"I will probably leave, but you have to guarantee one thing for me."

"Sure. After all the work you have done here. We can guarantee only one thing. And which would be?"

"I'd like to..." now Rodriguez hasn't thinking much about the thing he is asking Carmen to do. On a hand he wants to have Mr. Boss thrown into a ring and being beaten by a few inmates, or he can ask to have his friend free. So, Rodriguez decide to take a choice, the logical one.

"So. I'd like to see my cellmate, leave from this prison with me. Do you think it might be possible?"

"You say your friend suffers from multiple personalities disorder? That can be arranged."

"Really? That easily?"

"What you expected?"

"A long and exhausting trial, maybe."

"We are not in 2015 anymore, Ramirez. Now we are on 2027. The year when police from Europe have grown so soft, they are now competitions for hotels who are four stars. Especially in Balkans. If your friend is actually suffering from multiple personality disorder, but if not... He will be remaining here for a long time."


"Alright. Time's up." says the same guard coming to them.

"Alright. Goodbye."

Rodriguez is leaving the Visiting Room, being escorted by the same guard. While he is heading to the door, Carmen leaves this room, being escorted by a guard to the outside of this facility.