Drugs of Timmy

Later this day, the guards are letting the inmates leaving their cells and having some free time on the blocks, the courtyard or into the other blocks, if they are avoiding the patriotic Blockers, people who are so racist, that the ones from outside would even be like: "Chill!". At the North Block, Rodriguez is leaving the cell, together with Lenard, who is feeling in not such a good state like it used to be.

"Are you all right?" asks Rodriguez to Lenard.

"I think so." says Lenard looking at Rodriguez. "Sorry again for hitting you."

"Don't worry. Your punches were strong, but not that strong to put me down."

"But still, I cannot believe you trust me and my disorder."

"What? Is unusual for you to somebody to trust your disease?"

"Yes. Most people are making fun of me and says some terrible things to me."

These two are walking to the exit of this Block, heading to the Courtyard where they wanted to do some football games like good buddies. While they are walking to that area, they continue to talk about small things like the time when Lenard was at school, and he beat up a bully by putting fire crackers ( they are very common in Eastern European, they are sold at a small price and appear only on Christmastime ) into that bully underwear on the bathroom. He also told him he got a fine and was almost kicked out from the school. This made Rodriguez laughs of this memory Lenard was sharing with.

They soon enter the courtyard, and there, Lenard with Rodriguez sees a small man running from three inmates with hands full. He is screaming for help and assistance, but nobody will do it. Rodriguez is going to that man, then is followed by Lenard, which he doesn't understand why Rodriguez wanted to help that man since it is the first time they saw him here, on this prison. Rodriguez manages to catch one, and he pushes him, then as soon as he was about to get up, he knocks him out and runs after the others with Lenard following him, and paying no attention to the inmate let by Rodriguez violence there.

They run for about four minutes, and they eventually arrived at the South Block, where the inmates jump on his cell, where that man who was running with something entered the cell. These people proceed to beat the man with their fists, but before they would be able to throw a hard punch at them, Rodriguez with Lenard are entering the cell of that inmate.

"What the fuck are you two assholes doing?"

"Mind your business, Columbian." says one of the inmate to Rodriguez to an Oklahoma accent. "This fucker stole our drugs while we weren't looking and tried to burn them."

"What?!" says Rodriguez to that inmate. "And you are going to beat him?!" he got to that inmate, he dodges the inmate hit, and he catches his arm, then he twisted and after that, he turns him around and kick his ass out of this cell.

The other inmate was trying to attack him, but Lenard manages to get on time and hit his face with his fists. He also got a hit from that inmate, but this didn't put him down. Then, the inmate, was about to be thrown a kick to Lenard, but Rodriguez interfere by kicking the man stomach and sending him to the installed toilet. That inmate is about to get up, but Lenard punches his face, and send that Mexican inmate, they were fighting against, to sleep.

"T-Thank you very much!" says the inmate who was running with drugs.

"No problem." says Rodriguez to that inmate. "By the way, what are you doing with these drugs?"

"I am going to throw them into my plan of escaping."

"Escaping?" asks Rodriguez curios. "What do you mean by escaping."

"Simple." says that inmate with a bag of weed. "I will be burning this weed into the vents, and to do that, I have to collect a lot of it. After I manage to do that, I will be putting them in different vents and then burn it. I believe that the smell of weed will be delivered all around this prison, and it will induce the guards and everyone else into a crazy dream while I will be leaving by taking a tunnel to the exit or something."

"Sounds good. By the way, who are you? And what are in for?"

"My name is Timmy, and I am here for grand theft auto or car stealing in Ruby City."

"So you deserve to be here?"

"Probably. I stole cars, but I did it only for myself and weed."

"Aha. Not interested in your plan." says Rodriguez leaving the cell feeling disappointed at that guy who just stole weed only to sue it as a way to escape and repeat the pattern he brought him here. Lenard follows Rodriguez and both of them are leaving South Block, letting that inmate there with two inmates in an unconscious state.

"So we are not helping him?"

"I thought the guy was trying to do something good," says Rodriguez to Lenard while they are walking back to the courtyard. "That inmate named Timmy will be having a hard time doing something like this. Especially when guards have blocked all the secret doors they have found out by the inmates who were easy to be scared."

"So we will have to respect the rules in order to survive?"

"For now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see later." says Rodriguez after these two entered the courtyard and heading to the football field to play a classic match of football to ease their problems with this prison and make Lenard feel better.