Chapter 15: Pre-Sports Festival Training: Part 2

(Daily Music: SharaX - Renegade (Vocal Cover | Remix)[Meltberry )

I had repeated all the training I did yesterday for the first week of our two week training time until the Festival, getting me on an acceptable level of what I could do now. I could now..

-Effortlessly get into a combo alongside Ryujin, and he could do the same

-Properly aim my bone bullets to go to very specific spots, taking momentum into account

-Multiply specific stats through Vera by a multiplier of 30 if I used the stances to the max level

Those were the biggest things of note that I could now after the week of training. For right now. I wanted to investigate the effects of my voice when it reaches certain levels of noise. When I awakened my Lura for the first time, it caused actual damage across almost all of Japan, and when I snapped after getting irritated on my first day at UA, everything, even background sounds, stopped. I wanted to find out the cause of this.

I made Ryujin stay at the lodge for this, and told Pixie Bob to encase herself and the others underground until I get back, otherwise I might damage them.

I went to the furthest edge of the forest, and began. First, I wanted to test if this was something I could consciously bring out, or if it only happened upon certain feelings, such as pain or rage, like the two times it happened, the first being pain, the other being rage.

I took a deep breath, and yelled. I gradually began increasing the volume at which I yelled.

(Fun fact: Because of his tribe's incredible resilience, every part of their body, inside and outside, is MUCH stronger than usual, that includes their lungs and vocal cords. The threshold of pain from sound that humans (In the real world) can handle is 130 decibels, the loudest animal is the sperm whale, it's sounds measure in at 230 decibels. However, because the body of a Kaguya tribe member is so strong, the average tribe member can yell at 200 decibels, easily. So, a Kaguya tribe member could effortlessly burst eardrums of normal people in our world, and people who are sound sensitive in this world)

After a certain point, I started noticing some effects happening around me. Trees were being uprooted, birds above me were falling out of flight, and any sound other my yelling were completely muted. I stopped there, since I just wanted to confirm if I could do it at will.

I probably wouldn't make a habit of using this too much, especially with allies around, since they aren't immune to the sound either, so I would probably just end up causing more damage to my teammates than the enemies. However, if I find an enemy with a weakness to sound, this would be my ultimate weapon.

I returned to the lodge, and told Pixie Bob and the others that they could resurface now, and they did.

The day after, it was back to training the same way I was before looking into the power of my voice. However, I also wanted Ryujin to kill lots of animals, both with his venom and without, so that he could get stronger. We would do that after the training, however.

So, after we did the listed training, we went out looking for prey for Ryujin. The first victim we found was a mother rabbit along with her babies. Lots of targets here.

Me: Get them, Ryujin.

He wasted no time in devastating the rabbits. He got visibly bigger again, and his scales seemed to get stronger as well. His teeth got even sharper, if I had to guess, I would guess that he could bite cleanly through steel now without even slightly struggling. Since he killed them without venom, his fangs didn't get upgraded apart from the sharpness increase.

We moved further into the forest, finding a deer soon. He decided to kill this one using venom, and it died almost instantly. His fangs got longer, and i could actually see a purplish "vein" pattern on them starting from the top of the fangs to the bottom.

We spent the whole day getting him prey, and by the end. he had grown 10.5 metres long, his teeth became much stronger, and his venom became even more deadly.

(His venom right now is strong enough to kill 600 healthy adult males with a single drop, and his teeth can puncture partially through Tungsten)

We continued our listed training for the rest of the week. And with that, it was time for the Festival.

But I didn't say everything that I learned. I had some things hidden.
