Chapter 20: Internship With Two Heroes, Part 3

(Daily Music: $ilkMoney - My Potna Dem)

Me and MIruko were out, patrolling.

While we were patrolling around the area, we heard a bang, and ran to the area it came from, and saw a man holding a woman hostage, holding a gun at her head.

Me and MIruko hid behind a phone booth.

Me: Miruko, do you see any way for me to get to him? I'm a lot smaller than you, so I'm a bit harder to see.

Miruko: Go along the tops of the building near us. Get to the top of the building he's closest to.

I nodded, and jumped up to the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. I jumped from roof to roof, quickly reaching the one he was closest to. He was facing forwards, not looking at the building.

I jumped down at him, grabbed him by the back of the head, and slammed his head hard onto the concrete road, breaking his nose and breaking his teeth. His hold on the woman was instantly shattered, and she ran out of his grip.

Me: So, mind telling me why you thought it would be a good idea to do this in broad daylight?

Kera: Hah! I'm just the distraction! Right now, my boys have already gotten into the escape vehicle, and are escaping with the money from the bank nearby! I purposefully made it so that you would be occupied with me! You've failed, her-

He was cut off from his monologue by me throwing him into the alley nearby, and slamming him against the wall.

Me: Talk, or I cut off your legs, then I'll move onto your arms, and after that, your eyes will be the next thing to go.

Kera: You're a hero, you can't do that without getting crucified by the media! You're all talk.

Me: Very well.

I manifested a bone above my hand, and began cutting into his left leg, sawing through the muscles, until I was halfway through the whole leg. He screamed in pain.

Me: Talk, or the leg comes completely off.

Kera: Okay, okay! The vehicle is probably a couple streets on the right from here! That's all I know, man!

Me: Very well. But the leg still comes off.

Kera: No, plea-

I completely slammed the bone to the right side, cutting off the remainder of his left leg. To make sure he couldn't run, I stomped the right leg until it was like crumpled paper.

Me: Now, either a hero will come and put you in jail, or you'll bleed out here and die. Either way, you only have yourself to blame. And don't count on your friends surviving, either. I could just say to the people that the vehicle collapsed, and I couldn't stop any of them from dying. Well, bye.

I dashed out of the alleyway, to Miruko, and told her where the vehicle probably was by now.

-With Momo, Kendo and Ryukyu-

Ryukyu: This is the area we'll be patrolling. Keep an eye out for-

She was cut short by a truck with several masked people in it speeding past the street they were on, holding giant bags of money. The dragon hero was about to go after them, but suddenly, a purple blur appeared, and a lot of things happened in a second.

There was the sound of a window breaking, followed by the sounds of tires screeching. Next, a body got thrown onto the sidewalk. Sounds of impact were heard, and suddenly, the speeding truck collapsed, and all the villains on it fell onto the streets. Lastly, they were slammed onto the ground, and knocked unconscious.

Finally, the dragon hero saw the purple blur's origin. A small, white haired boy, wearing strange garments. She recognized him. He was the winner of the Sports Festival. Shortly after he apprehended the villains, the Rabbit Hero, Miruko, arrived too.

Miruko: Good work, kiddo. You're already like a mini-pro!

The rabbit hero then saw the dragon hero.

Miruko: Hey, bestie!

(I'm making Miruko and Ryukyu old best friends in this)

Ryuku: Ah, hello friend. Is that your intern?

Miruko: Yep! He's great! Are these two girls your interns?

Ryuku nodded.

Ryukyu: Girls, this is a good friend of mine, Miruko.

Momo: Hello, ma'am. I didn't know one of my classmates would get chosen by you.

Kendo: Miruko's a really popular hero! It's so cool that Jokara gets to intern with her!

Miruko: Hey, kiddo, come introduce yourself to my friend here!

I rounded up the last of the annoying scum, and tied them with some rope I chose to carry in case I found some villains to capture during patrol. I didn't want them to possibly get away, so I tied them all up and dragged them with me as I went over to Miruko and the woman she was with. I saw one of my classmates, Momo, and a 1-B student with ginger hair.

Me: Greetings. Hello, Momo. And what's your name?

Kendo: My name's Itsuka Kendo!

Ryukyu: (This boy is strange. My dragon instincts are telling me that he's a threat. Not just any threat, he's on the same threat level as "him"... But that's not right, he's trying to become a hero, so why is it telling me that he's a threat?) Greetings, little one, my name is Ryukyu. I'm the Dragon Hero.

Miruko: Hey, you wanna patrol together?

Ryukyu: Why not? It'll be nice to catch up.

So, me and Miruko patrolled together with Ryukyu, Momo and Kendo.

Ryukyu: So, Jokara, that was some pretty good work with those villains on the truck. Where did you learn to move like that? Most heroes, despite being fast enough, aren't agile and nimble enough to go through a driver's window and throw out the driver.

Me: Try doing agility training in the forest, and you'll find the challenges of the city to be pitiful. The denizens of the concrete jungle are so cumbersome and clunky, even if they have abilities that are supposed to boost their agility. I would love to toss them into the wild and see how quickly they break down.

Kendo: *Whispering to Momo* Wow, he's pretty negative. Is he always like this?

Momo: Sadly, yes. It's even worse hearing it come from such a cute boy who's supposed to be really bright and optimistic at his age.

Me: I can hear you two.

Momo: O-oh, s-sorry.

Me: Optimism is just a nice word for blind hope. Nothing good comes out of it, bar delusional thoughts that the world isn't the failure that it clearly is.

Miruko: Well, you're just a ray of sunshine on a dark day.

Me: I won't pretend to be happy or satisfied with anything unless I really am. And one of the things I hate the most is the world. So there's no need for me to give any powerless idiots false hope, like that always-smiling douchebag at the number one spot.

All the heroes around me were silent at my statement. If I had to guess, they were probably surprised that they found a non-villain who had such resentment for All Might. He's a huge inspiration to almost everyone, even a good amount of villains like All Might.

Ryukyu: (I've heard less negativity from all the villains I've faced combined. What happened to this boy that made him like this?)

Our joint patrol didn't end up with any more villains, so we all went back to our intern's agencies.

That was how the first day of my internship went.