Chapter 21: Internship With Two Heroes, Part 4

(Daily Music: All Might Rap Song - I Am Here | FabvL ft RUSTAGE & Divide Music [My Hero Academia] )

It was the second day of my internship with Miruko. Today, I did the same exercises as I did yesterday, but this time, I had heavier weights on my body, and I had to lift heavier weights for my arm exercises, and the machines were on higher settings during my leg exercises. For the chest exercises, we had heavier equipment, and for all my exercises for all muscle groups, we did more sets, going from ten sets of each workout to 20 sets.

When I finished all the exercises and had the weights on my body taken off, I felt even lighter than the day before when I had the weights taken off. I could feel my body was so much stronger than the day before. It seems the exercise from the day before had started to show results. Similarly, today's exercise's effects would likely only show their results tomorrow.

We weren't going to patrol today. Instead, Miruko would be testing some miscellaneous things about me, mostly things like providing relief for civilians that I would save, and how to give basic first aid to give some basic relief to injured civilians. For the first aid training, she showed me one of the other people working at her agency. Her name was Takata Yoro.

(Image here)

Takata: Oh, I never thought I'd get to see the cute little winner of the Sports Festival with my own eyes. What do you need me for?

Me: Miruko said that I should get training to be able to provide first aid for injured civilians on the field, so she told me that you could train me with that.

She nodded, and brought me to a room with lots of medical equipment, and a large room with glass walls.

Takata: This is the "Medical Simulation Room", where you can simulate scenarios of lots of injuries and afflictions, and you can train to be able to treat them. It has lots of variety, ranging from things like bleeding wounds that are superficial, to life-threatening injuries, such as punctured or ruptured organs, as well as broken body parts.

First, she showed me lots of medical equipment, told and showed me what it did and what it's used for, when to use it, and good places to get stock of it. She then made me go through simulations where someone would have certain injuries, and I would have to treat them. She obviously did it first, then made me do it myself in a simulation after that.

Thanks to lots of anatomy study I did when I first found out what my Lura was, I knew where lots of important muscles and tendons were located, so anything that had to do with muscles or tendons were things I could do easily, sometimes without even having to be shown how to remedy it in the first place. After all, I had enough knowledge of where important tendons were to be able to cut them and permanently stop someone from ever being able to move again, so it was a breeze to do the opposite and remedy those muscle groups.

Takata was extremely surprised by the talent I had for medical work, as she only ever had to show me how to treat something once, and I would instantly be able to do what she did without any failure.

Takata: You sure your Quirk doesn't help you with medical knowledge? Because you're the best student I've ever had. You learn this stuff instantly. I've seen people with Quirks literally made for medical work who struggle more than you do.

(If you're wondering why he's so good at it, when he was back in his tribe, one of the things that interested him greatly was medicine and treatment, so shamans and elders taught him lots of things about it, so he's got lots of knowledge about the subject, so he instantly knows what to do upon getting to the practical of it)

I decided that, for today, I would learn as much medical things as possible.

So, for hours on end, I learnt everything I could from Takata, from advanced injuries, even to surgery simulation. things like organ replacement surgery, to getting things out of the body that would cause extreme harm. I became better than almost all medical workers in the timespan of 12 hours.

(Yeah, medical stuff is the thing he's the most talented at, as you can see)

Takata: You seriously surprise me. You could effortlessly become the best healer in the world in the span of a few days, you know?

Me: I will try my best to get at good at it as possible. This way, I can fight and heal my comrades, allowing my to be able to support as many people as possible.

She smiled, and ruffled my hair.

(In Present Mic voice) Takata Yoro! Quirk: Medicare! Her Quirk gives her the ability to heal people's injuries, at the cost of her own stamina!! Broken body parts cost barely any stamina at all, whereas things like missing body parts consume tons of it! She can activate the healing by touching the injured person and focusing on their injury!

12 hours had been spent learning medical things, and it was night now. However, I wasn't tired enough to go to sleep, so I thought to pass time by working on my fighting styles. I went into an empty room with a mat. This was most likely a room for training fighting styles that work like martial arts.

I wanted to work on something I planned a while ago.

A fighting style based on dance.

I had seen videos of a martial art called Capoeira. It was a martial art based on dancing. Capoeira puts large emphasis on your flow. It also focuses largely on kicks. Movement was also meant to constantly be applied, putting large importance on constantly shifting from place to place.

(I watched a few videos on it, and that's the stuff that I could see just from looking at the way the people fought using it)

I wanted to make a martial art similar to it. However, I wanted to have multiple forms. A swift one, a lethal one, a defensive one, an evasive one, one that confused my opponent, and a calming one.

I also wanted to actually base each form on a genre or type of music that it could synergize with if I did it while music of a certain genre or feel was playing. For example, electrical music could work well for the swift one. The defensive one could work well with intense music, so on and so far.

(An example for a song that he could use for his swift style would be this one (Look it up on YouTube): Hotel Room (Lyrics)Meet Me at the Hotel Room TIKTOK song )

I got some earphones from my bag, went back to the training room, and looked for music that would work for the one I was going to work on: The swift one.

Dance Of The Orchid.

This style's main movement type would consist of lots of constant shuffling and jumping, making sure to never stay in one spot for more than a second, making it hard for others to locate me and attack me. The main attacks used for this style would be kicks, with some punches that would be aimed at certain areas, mostly aimed at someone's back, slowly damaging their spine, until they can't move. While it would seriously cripple someone I used it against, thanks to my new medical knowledge, I could readjust the spine to heal it to fix it.

Now, for the one that would confuse my opponents.

Dance Of The Vine.

This style's movements would constantly shift between short distance and long distance area coverage so that opponents would often end up falling short or too large when they try to get a hold of me in an attack. Attacks would be extremely varied, but they would all serve to slowly paralyze the opponent by stunning the muscles of the opponent with the same kind of pains that come from whips. The only way the opponent would be able to be relieved of the pains is if I massaged their muscles back to their previous health, since each hit would slightly alter their muscle structure. Each hit would stack these effects on each other from each consecutive hit.

(I'm not going to list all the styles, their movements and their attack principles right now, since I'm too tired right now. If you want me to explain a style to you, just ask in the paragraph comment, and I'll give you an explanation of it.)

Eventually, it went from training my dance style of combat, to just dancing, since I really enjoyed the music, to sleeping in the training room, since I was too tired to carry myself to my room.

Unknowingly to me, Miruko, Takata and Yamagata had been watching me from the moment I went from practicing my dance combat to just straight out dancing, to the moment I fell asleep in the training room.

Miruko: Hah, the kid's got some moves.

Yamagata: He's a bundle of cute surprises. First, he calms down when you ruffle his hair, now, he loves dancing.

Takata: Let's get him to a proper bed.

Takata picked me up and took me to my room, and put me into my bed, covering me with the blanket.

Takata: Have a good sleep. You deserve it for the incredible work you did today.

That's how I spent the second day of internships.