Chapter 24: Internship With Two Heroes, Part 6

(Daily Music: 2 Phut Hon - Phao (KAIZ Remix) GUITAR COVER )

I woke up. Today would be the fifth day of me interning at MIruko's Hero Agency.

As you most likely expect by now, I got exercises out of the way first. Also obviously, everything was increased. The weight of the weights on my body, the equipment I used, and we went from 40 sets of everything to 50 sets each.

After that, I decided that for the last three days of internships, I would be going out on patrol with Miruko. It would give me good field experience. I had learnt enough of other things for the past few days anyways, so I think this would be good to do for the remaining days.

I informed her of my decision, and I went to my room to get my hero costume. After I put it on, I met up with Miruko at the entrance to the Agency, and we set out.

We met up with Ryukyu, Momo and Kendo again, and did a joint patrol.

Me: So, Momo, Kendo, have you learnt any new skills during your internships?

Momo: Ummm... modelling?

Me: ... Excuse me?

Kendo: Yeah... Ryukyu hasn't really taught us much about hero stuff yet. So far, she's kinda just had us around her at her shoots.

Me: Give me a moment.

I walked to Ryukyu, who was talking with Miruko, as they were both ahead of us.

Me: Ryukyu, what have you been doing during your internship with my classmates?

Ryukyu: I've been showing them how to deal with the publicity that comes with the work of a Pro Hero. Why?

Me: So, you're telling me that instead of increasing their actual chances of making it to Pro Hero status, you choose to show them what it's like if they do manage to make it, no thanks to you?

Ryukyu: I have faith that they can make it themselv-

Me: Quiet. You are responsible for whether or not they get skilled enough to actually survive this occupation in the future thanks to anything you may have taught them. This is one of the most important and crucial parts of training to be a Hero. If they haven't learnt anything actually beneficial to their survival chances by the end of this week, I'll know whose fault it is.

I walked ahead of her and Miruko after that speech of mine.

If my classmates aren't stronger by the end of this week because that fool of a Hero thought it would be oh so important to teach fucking modelling to heroes in training instead of, you know, something that would actually ensure that they survive to become a Hero in the first place, I'll lose my shit.

We didn't come across any villain activity for today, so eventually, we returned to Miruko's agency after Ryukyu took Momo and Kendo to her agency.

She better actually teach them worthwhile things from now on. I will not tolerate my allies being so weak.

The next day, I did my increased exercises early, as usual. Again, everything heavier, and now sets of every exercise has gone from 50 to 60.

Afterwards, it was back to patrols. When we met up Ryukyu again, I could see that Momo and Kendo looked visibly happier than the previous days.

Me: So, does that mean you've finally gotten to giving a damn?

Ryukyu: Well... yes. Your method of waking people up is rather unorthodox, but at least it works. You did something similar to the son of Endeavor during the Sports Festival.

Me: Why be gentle to someone stuck in their own world? I aim to wake them up, not to lull them further into their delusional slumber with kind words. And people pay lots of attention to when you use strong and harsh words.

She nodded at that.

Me: So, what have you taught them so far? I don't expect an incredible improvement in one day, but judging by how happy they look, it must have been something rather valuable.

Ryukyu: I taught them how to be more efficient with their Quirks to allow them to use it more with less stamina required, and increase the power of them as well. Not that much, but there is a slight increase.

Me: That's good. It sounds like a small thing, but any sort of improvement over their abilities is extremely valuable.

We went on our patrol together. There were a few thugs that we crossed along the way. I wanted to see how much Momo had improved. It would also be a good opportunity to see Kendo's abilities, so I let them have this fight, but just in case something might go wrong, I was ready to jump in at any moment.

I could see that Momo's Lura had slightly improved in the speed at which she created something, and judging by the fact that she didn't seem fatigued already, probably made it less draining on herself to use it.

I also observed that Kendo's Lura allowed her to enlarge her hands. Not a very good ability, but she made do with it. She was semi-decent, at least compared to some of the other students I've seen in battle, but nowhere near good either.

(Keep in mind, his standards are very high from seeing fights in his tribe. A severely below average member of his tribe could unleash a can of whoop ass on most UA students, even if the tribe member doesn't have a Quirk, largely thanks to their incredible resilience and their brutality. That's not even factoring in members who are above average)

They got the thugs in a decent amount of time, at least for their level of skill.

Me: You're getting better. I want to see this kind of improvement at a constant rate.

We continued our patrol, not finding anything more, really. So, we eventually dispersed and went back to our agencies.

That was how the fifth and sixth days of my internship went. Tomorrow would be the last day.