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Gayle was leading Melanie to the bus stop after they were done eating. It was late in the afternoon. They got rid of Ben after Melanie promised she would invite him, even though it was not to Gayle's liking.

"Isn't his job to actually help us?"

"Yes but he didn't have to come with us to the presentation and stuff and he did. He also took care of all the administration so we can focus on our work so it's still thanks to him that we won a lot of contest right?"

"... I guess" Gayle answered half-hearted. He didn't expect her to defend him like this. He knew that he didn't need to feel this way since there were nothing between them.

"The bus will be there in 3 mins. Get home safely" Gayle said when they reached the bus stop.

"What about you? How do you get home?"

"My bus stop is on the other side actually. Once you start working with me, I will accompany every time '"

"Oh no need"

"The shift ends late, I can't let you go back alone"

"We're in the downtown, Gayle. It's still secure. I don't want to bother you"

"I'll be bothered if you go alone" Gayle said with a "let's end here" look. Melanie smiled while rolling her eyes playfully.

—What a gentleman. Let's give him the final blow.—

—The final blow?—

—What do you mean?—

—You'll see—

As she saw the bus approaching, she took a step closer to Gayle. The latter noticed it and stiffened a bit but nothing prepared him for what came next. Melanie hugged him. His heart skipped a beat and his breath got caught in his throat as he felt her body pressing against his. She passed her arms behind his back and rested her hands on his shoulders. She then got on her tiptoes and kissed him in the cheek before releasing him and looking at him with a smile.

"Thank you Gayle. Really."

The bus soon stopped next to them. Melanie got on the bus, leaving the speechless Gayle who could only follow her with his eyes. He still stood there, dazed, after the bus left. He slowly lifted his hand and touched his cheek.

—Ting! Gayle's Lovemeter increases by 1.5—

—Ting! Melanie's Destinymeter increases by 2—

—The final blow, I told you and the Destinymeter finally moved—

—I can't believe Melanie's character setting let you do that—

—Melanie is not a shy kid, if she thinks something is necessary, she'll do it—

Gayle went home floating on a little cloud, trying to ease his burning heart. Melanie was in the same state, minus the burning heart. She thought that she had to do something more meaningful to show Gayle that she really appreciated his new company.

Her bubble of happiness popped off when she was greeted with a naked man standing in her living room.

"Oh Nat, is she your daughter?" He said to the woman laying on a mattress on the floor, with covers barely covering her. She spared Melanie a quick glance without answering.

"She's cute" The man said, eyeing her with a smirk. Melanie's heart skipped a beat and rapidly went to her room. She still felt his gaze on her back while she was walking upstairs, which gave her goosebumps. She made sure she locked herself before laying on her bed.

It wasn't the first time seeing one of her mother's "boyfriends" and it went from the normal and sweet guy to the very dangerous one. She tended to like the latter since they were the ones who gave her money easily. Depending on her current boyfriend, Nathalie could ignore her or act like the most perfect mother in the world. Anyway Melanie made sure not to see them too often nor stay with them.

It did happen once that she got along with one of Natalie's boyfriend. He was very nice and Nathalie tended to act the same with Melanie when he was around. Melanie was only 8 at that time and she liked him very much but he broke with her mom one year after and traveled in another town. She really wished he had stayed longer because it was the happiest moments she ever had but he finally saw that Nathalie was just after his money and left.

Melanie sighed while changing her clothes. She would stay here until the very next morning to be sure that she wouldn't meet him. She then heard her phone ringtone.

+Gayle: Did you get home safely?+

+Melanie: Yes almost+ She answered thinking about what happened earlier but at the same time she wanted to tease Gayle.

+Gayle: Wait, what? Did something happen? +

+Melanie: The bus took 32 min to get to my home+

+Gayle: Haha Melanie. So funny. I really thought that... Nevermind+

+Melanie: Are you mad?+

+Gayle:.. No. No I'm not. How could I? It's not every day that I can see you make a joke+

+Melanie: I know. Today was full of first time for me+

Melanie was referring to the fact that she was able to hang out with a friend for a first time.

+Melanie: Maybe we can do it again+

+Gayle: Sure. Rest well+

—Ting! Gayle's Lovemeter increases by 0.5—

—Huh? Twice in the same day?—

—He's probably still thinking about the kiss. You left him quite shocked—

—Dotti, you said that I can't do anything since they're underage but what if it's Gayle who make the first move? Hahaha—

—... You have to stop him. You heard me, Sei—

—Pff... Yeah, yeah I was joking—

The next morning, Melanie still found the man downstairs eating with her mom. He greeted again with a creepy smile. She did her best at ignoring him while she entered the kitchen. She didn't have the habit to eat her breakfast at home, but when there were fruits like today, she would take one before going to school. Unfortunately the fruit basket was next to this man. Melanie quickly approached the basket and took an apple before almost rushing out.

She then felt a big hand grabbing her arm and a wave of disgust passed through her. She tried to yank her arm off his grip but he was too strong.

"Where are you going? Won't you eat with us?"

"No, let me go"

"Tom, what's wrong with you? She's a kid" Natalie glared at the named Tom and also at Melanie. She didn't like it when someone stole the attention from her. Tom laughed and released Melanie.

"What? I was just trying to be friendly"


"And also I might know some guys who will be interested in her"

Melanie left rapidly the house, not wanting to hear more.