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"Melanie, is the table 4 order ready?"

"Hold on. I didn't serve the drinks yet" She hurriedly took two cups and filled them before adding them to the food tray.


"Thank you" Gayle took it and went to serve the table. It had been a week since they started working together but they already accustomed to each other. Their shift started at 7 pm and end at 10 pm. It might seem like a short shift but it was actually a coffee shop so most of the customers came during the day, so they didn't get a lot of customers at night but still there was enough people that came for a late sandwich and drink for it to be profitable.

"Was it the last customer?" Melanie asked after seeing Gayle turning the sign on the door to show the shop was closed.

"Yes, time to clean"

Gayle took the groom to sweep the floor while Melanie cleaned the counter where she was assigned. It didn't take much time and 30 min later they were done and already changed to their normal clothes. They were walking towards Melanie's bus stop when she yawned and triped over herself. She would had felt if Gayle didn't caught her.

"Are you alright ? You look tired. Is it the contest?" He asked as he was grabbing her arm and supporting her. It was effectively the contest who was making her so tired because she was used to work and go to school but she had to do extra work for her project for the contest. She then had less time to rest and it showed.

"Yes, it's but I'll get used to it" She said before linking her arm with his for support. "Can I?"

"Sure" Gayle said happy but worried by the dark circles under her eyes as she leaned on him. He wanted to touch her more to show her comfort but it would be weird.

"Do you want help with your project?" He finally managed to ask her.

"No, it's fine"

"Are you worried about sharing the credits with me?"

"Not all. I know that you're tired too. Don't want to add a burden on you"

"It won't-"

"I won't change my mind. If you want to help me, let me rest" She said while learning more on him. He didn't add more, relieved that she was willing to count on him somehow. As they continued to walk, they heard a car's horn next to them.

"Hi, you two. Did you finish your work? Want a ride home?" Ben asked from the driver seat. Melanie released Gayle's arm quickly and distanced herself from him a bit. Gayle noticed it and felt a bitter feeling in his heart.

"Yes, but we don't head in the same direction. Gayle was just accompaning me to the bus station" Melanie said.

"Well I was talking about you already, since my house is not far away from yours. I'll drop you there and go. Is it okay Gayle?"

Gayle was about to strongly denied but Melanie cut him with a look saying "I'll go with him".

"As I know you, you'll wait for the bus with me, but if I go with Ben, we'll both be able to get home quickly" Melanie explained and even if Gayle wanted to protest, he couldn't think of anything. He sighed and agreed with a heavy heart.

"Text me when you get home then" He asked after Melanie went on the

"I'm not going to sell her Gayle, chill. One will think you're dating" Ben said with a mocking smile. Melanie glared at him and mouthed him to stop so Gayle would not notice but he had already saw her tense up. Melanie then turned towards him and waved at him, taking his gloom face as a tired one. Gayle waved back without much strength as the car moved away.

Meanwhile, in the car Melanie was ready to scold Ben.

"Ben, you really are-"

—The amazing cupid of this relation. I don't even have to use the jealousy card since he's doing it for me. Isn't that amazing, Dotti? —

—Way too much. I feel like you'll complete this world without doing anything. Should I made this a tutorial so it won't count as a success? —

—No! You can't do, evil axoxoteul! Do you know how much I restraint myself from lashing onto Natalie and her disgusting pervert boyfriend? I quickly need to make Gayle mine so I can do stress releasing cuddles—

—This wasn't needed information—

—Oh don't be jealous. I'll give you cuddles too—

—... Don't you dare approach me—

"-a troublemaker. I told you to stop making up things"

"Making up things? Yeah I'm definitely making up the fact that you definitely like Gayle and he's feeling the same but you're both to awkward to actually make a proper move" Ben resumed their situation in one sentence but still Melanie refuted it.

"Gayle does not like me, he's just being friendly"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh so at least you admit that you like him"

"Just stop already Ben" Melanie said with a menacing tone, not denying it either since it would make her more guilty. Also she was not afraid of people knowing that she likes Gayle, but what if the latter knew and it wasn't reciprocal, it would become awkward between them. She didn't want that.

Ben laughed at her behavior but added nothing. As a comfortable silence took place between them, it was broke by his phone ringing.

"Can you please take it?" Ben asked her. Since he was driving, Melanie agreed and took the phone from the board. The name displayed was "Boyfriend" with a little red heart emoji and a picture of a smiling blond guy.

"It's your boyfriend. Should I answer?"

"Yes, put the speakers on"

Melanie connected the call and a clear masculine voice resonated in the car.

"Ben can you buy some milk? There's no more and I should drink milk in the next morning"

"You should have called a bit earlier when I was still at work since shops there are still open. I'll try to find an open shop on my way then"

"Was this meaning that you're driving?"

"Yes but I didn't answer the phone myself, it's Melanie"

Melanie was caught off guard, as Ben was acting like his boyfriend and her knew each other.

"Oh is it Melanie from your school? Hi I'm Mike, Ben's boyfriend. It's nice to meet you"

"H-Hi, nice to meet you too" Melanie answered even more shocked that he actually knew her.

"He always complain that you and Gayle give him so much work to do"

"Is that so?" Melanie asked while looking at Ben.

"Don't look at me like I never said this before"

"So Melanie since he like to snitch on people, tell me if he's flirting with other men at school"

"What?! Mike!"

"Well last time you were eyeing that guy at the cafe, so I'm getting suspicious"

"I was interested in his t-shirt! Mike why do you like to always bring this?"

Melanie continued to listen to them bickering with a little smile. As they were getting close to her house, Melanie asked Ben to drop her before her house, pretexting that she had to do something before getting there. It was obviously a lie so her mother wouldn't see her getting drop by Ben. She thanked Ben and greeted Mike, who was still on call and started to walk towards her house but not long after another car pulled next to her. The car window rolled down and she heard the voice that had been tormenting her for a while now.