Chapter 199 Crazy Lover

"He Mingyue is back? I have to warn Zichen "Hao brought out his phone to call him when he found out he didn't have battery

Zichen Fiancée is back,His sister He Mingyue is back again


At Ding Corps,

"You seem a little stressed are you okay?. You can actually tell me anything that is bothering you!"Yuxi strode to Xin Chi when she saw her head was bent down

"Hmm?! I mean nothing is wrong, I am just a little tired "Chi smiled at her as Yuxi hands a cup of coffee ans she drinks

"If you're sick then you can take a break and you shouldn't have gone overnight work when I was sick. What would I do when you are sick, Xin Chi you have to take care of your own health to "Yuxi said as she took the files and kept in the cabinet and saw how messy her table was. "You dont even have time to clean up,I am super worried about you!. Take today off okay?"She said as Xin didn't agree but stretched her hands to get the files

"I can work. I am not ill !"She said as Yuxi called the security to take her out of the company and safely drop her at her house


At Gu enterprise,

"My husband is so capable!"Mingyue said as she came down from her luxurious car and walked to the entrance when a bunch of security guard came to stop her

"Can we see your card?"One of the guard said as he blocked her way

"Do I need a card to see my husband huh?! I want to Zichen!"Mingyue said as they formed a barrier around her. "You! I am going to be the young madam of Gu and you treat your lady boss like this!..... Once I see my husband, I am gonna get all of you fired!"She humped as she stopped and turned her back and sneered then entered her car to call her brother but the call didn't connect through. "Even you to ignore me! Soo annoying! "She threw her phone on the couch and requested to leave when she saw a roll Royce entering their private parking lot and she instructed the driver to follow the car and they entered into the building


In the private parking lot,

Coming down from her latest edition of car,Yuxi brought out the lunch box and locked the door but halted when she saw another unfamiliar car

She knew all cars here and they were either owned by topper in Gu enterprise or Zichen but who is this one now?.

When Mingyue saw that the car had stopped she came down to only to meet a woman in sporting outfit holding a lunch box.

'With her looks and car, she couldnt be compared to a commoner so could it be part of the board of directors?'Mingyue asked in her mind as she approached Yuxi

"Excuse me,I am looking for my fiancé Zichen "Mingyue said and Yuxi took of her glasses to get a good look of the girl

Author Note

Hello dear and famishing readers💙💜💛💚. I just wanna thank all those that newly added my story to their libraries and my other readers that has been with me since the beginning of the story. Thanks so much and dont forget to check out

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My Little beauty

★Shade of loves

★My Perfect

and other stories under my name and I promise you that this year 2021,I'd make it the best year for you with good,lots of story

Looking for different genres? then you've got them all

«Enemies to lovers?»

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My little beauty

«Adventure romance?»

★ Well dominated love

★Shades of loves

★My Mr Perfect

«Rom Com »

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

Please do check it out and add to your library with hope to make your experience with me a lovely one to, If anymore problem?

Visit my insta account and chat me up (Xenalee0101) or directly comment on some chapters and we could go from there thanks so much!