Chapter 200 FUCK off

"Fiance? but I dont see any ring on your finger, or are you a fake?"She sneered as she kept her glasses inside her handbag getting ready to deal with one of Zichen pestering girls

'First Ting Yue now this cockroach? Geez they are so many people after my boyfriend 'Yuxi fumed inside as she scrunch her brows as to where she had seen this woman before

"I know but I just came back from the States and decided to drop by to say hello but got kicked from the front entrance and when I saw you,I used the back to enter. You must be one of his acquaintance, so could you show me to his office?" Mingyue explained

"Acquaintance? I see you're new here and dont know me yet. I am Ding Yuxi, Zichen GIRLFRIEND! "Yuxi emphasized the word longer to get it to stick in her brain if she had one

"How can you be his girlfriend when I am his fiance? you're the fake!" Mingyue frowned

"But we are clear to know who the fake is...."Yuxi said as she walked to the entrance and they opened the door for her and she entered but they refused to allow Mingyue inside

"You bitch!.....let me in....tell them to let me in!"Mingyue shouted at her with her long fake nails

"Bitch? please that was last season!.....As I said,I am his girlfriend and you claim to be his fiancée but dont have access to common parking lot? you really amuse me you this little girl! "Yuxi laughs as she turned to leave then looked at her. "FUCK off fake!"She smirked as she out back her glasses and walked majestically into the elevator until Mingyue couldnt sight her again and could only grit her teeth in annoyance and drove away


In Zichen office,

"Yuxi?"He said as when hugged her but Yuxi pushed him a nd sat in the couch with her hands folded and a terrible look on her face. "Who made you angry?" Zichen asked but Yuxi ignored him like thin air

"Why didn't you tell me you had a fiancé?or do you expect I wouldn't find out. "She sternly says as Zichen mouth dropped open

'Mingyue is back? why didn't Hao not warn me so I could run!'Zichen freaked out

Mingyue has always been following Zichen like a fly since their childhood and he got irritated and made her parent send her abroad but she didn't wanna go so he promised her something that he didn't know would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Asking her to his FIANCÉ!


Author Note

Hello dear and famishing readers💙💜💛💚. I just wanna thank all those that newly added my story to their libraries and my other readers that has been with me since the beginning of the story. Thanks so much and dont forget to check out

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My Little beauty

★Shade of loves

★My Perfect

and other stories under my name and I promise you that this year 2021,I'd make it the best year for you with good,lots of story

Looking for different genres? then you've got them all

«Enemies to lovers?»

★Arranged marriage promise to love me

★My little beauty

«Adventure romance?»

★ Well dominated love

★Shades of loves

★My Mr Perfect

«Rom Com »

★Exchanged Soul,Mr Devil love me no more

Please do check it out and add to your library with hope to make your experience with me a lovely one to, If anymore problem?

Visit my insta account and chat me up (Xenalee0101) or directly comment on some chapters and we could go from there thanks so much!