
I'm wearing white dress and black belt. I pick my black boots with three inches heels. I put minimal makeup to make my face lighten. I get my black purse before I went out. I bring my car usually so I can drive myself without others help. I want to be an independent too. I promise myself on my second year in college, I'll get my own condo unit and be independent.

I looked at my wrist watch, it's around 2:40 pm which exactly 3:00 am about to the said place. I don't want to be late and I don't want to be too early either. I arrived just in time. I already estimated the time while I'm driving and the time when I exactly heading.

I removed my seatbelt and went out of my car. It's 30 minutes of driving before I arrive at the coffee shop. Though, I know the owner of this coffee shop and the people who are nice to me. I just can't help to feel nervous. Why do I even need to meet him. The side of my head telling me that, we will be awkward tomorrow by chance.

I let out a heavy breath before I go inside. I sight and pushed the door. My hands are already shaking. I hid it behind me with my purse. Damn, maybe later I won't be able to speak because I can't even open my mouth.

"Good afternoon, ma'am!" the beautiful woman immediately greeted me. Her smiles were wide. Probably she's working here. She looked presentable with her minimal makeup. The others are too thick with makeup. I get annoyed when that happens, but of course I don't say it. They look like that. I don't have the right to judge.

I nodded and gave her my sweetest smile. "Thank you."

I surveyed the whole coffee shop until I saw a man sitting at the far side of the table. At first I was hesitant to go because maybe it wasn't really him. There is a book as holding and bent over and seriously reading. But when he looked at me, our eyes meet. I knew he is. That's him.

I suddenly feel nervous all of the sudden. My foot is stuck wherever I stand now. He immediately closed the book and stood up so I walked quickly so I stumbled. Damn it.

I heard him cursed, the workers inside were alarmed so I immediately attended.

"Are you okay ma'am? We can go to the hospital if you want. Are you in pain?" they asked me one question after another. I don't want to be in the crowd. I don't like a lot of people.

"No. I'm okay. You can continue." I said while looking at my dress. I fixed that. I immediately searched for my purse because I had dropped it earlier. Bwesit talaga. Why my bad luck.

"Are you sure, ma'am? Just inform us here if you have a problem ma'am." I just nodded.

"Uhmm ... I just want to know, where's my purse. I let it go earlier, eh." I said very shy. I scratched my head a lot even though I didn't have lice. Bwesit na yan. Asan na kasi.

"We'll find your purse ma'am-"

"No need. Here's your purse, Kane." Langford suddenly interrupted. He handed me my purse and I immediately took it.

"T-thanks." I said. I really wanted to feed on the ground earlier. This is so fucking awkward. I really don't want people to look at me. I feel so shy.

"Oh ma'am! Your boyfriend is just here. I'll miss you." the girl with brown hair said. Maybe I also felt the urge so he prompted the workers one by one to go back to work.

"Uhm... he's not my boyfriend-" he cut me off.

"Let's go to the table." he said. I was able to follow him. I can see his broad shoulders. He's wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and black jacket. He's wearing again his favorite necklace and pair of black jeans matched with his black sneakers. Damn, he looked hot. I just realized that we were both wearing a combination! We looked like a damn couple.

He went back to the table and he put under the book he had been reading earlier. I sit opposite to him without looking. Damn, the awkward moment is starting.

I was about to say something when he spoke. "What do you want?" he said staring at me. I looked at him and I can't read his eyes. So is he. He weighs the emotion he sees from my eyes. I put my purse on the table to broke the staring moment.

"I-I just want to talk about-" he cut me off.

"I mean, what do you want to order?" he said.

"Uhm ... Just iced caramel macchiato and one slice of chocolate cake." I nervously said. Damn, I'm still shaking as I say that!

He nodded and walked to the counter. There aren't many people in the coffee shop now so I'm more confident. I don't like crowded places so I really prefer to just go to the coffee shop once to study.

When he returned, he was carrying what we had ordered. I suddenly crave for this. I didn't realize I was hungry. I hadn't felt that before. Though, I only ate when I left but that was before! He slides my order and he also puts his on the table. I was staring at him for a damn five seconds and he noticed that.

"D-do you want my order? I can give it to you if you want. Just don't panicked and ..." he still seemed hesitant to finish it. "Don't feel nervous." he said in a calmed tone.

I let out my heavy breath and nodded. I want to be civil to him. I don't want to have an enemy or avoid me. As much as I'm here, I can do this not perfectly but I will make sure it is the time to a deal. As I promise to make a change.

"I'm sorry." I said looking at him. I feel nervous all the time when I'm with him but now, killing my nervousness is good for this. "Let's talk, now. I'm ready." I said in a solid voice.

He nodded. I immediately drank the Iced caramel macchiato I ordered. Damn it.

"I just want to apologize again with my wrong doings. After what I did to you, you should've hate me. But then, I realized you're not that hard." he said looking at me. He sipped on his Americano.

I immediately remembered that he had brought a book earlier. Is he studying here? I want to ask. But the side of my mind said no. Instead of answering him something else came out of my mouth.

"Are you studying here?" I suddenly said. He stiffened for a second but he seemed to recover immediately when I asked.

"Yes. Usually. Why?"

"Okay. I just asked. I saw you reading book, a while ago." I explained.

He nodded. "Do you ... still mad at me?"

I immediately averted my eyes. Only to save myself and to search the answer coming from my head is to sipped again on my drink. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Not really. Maybe I was just really immature. I find it serious, just a joke for you. I also wanted to apologize for what I said and for being rude to you. I hope you understand-"

"I'm the one who wants the apology, here. Don't blame yourself. If there's someone who can blame with, it's me and not you.Do you understand?" he said looking to my eyes. He's nice. I can see through his eyes that he was sincere to his words. I can feel it though.

"No. I also want to apologize. You're not the one to blame all of this shits. If I'm not become a childish this wasn't happening anymore." I explained to him. I leaned back in the chair. Calming myself. I still fill nervous. Actually, it's a nerve rocking shits.

"Fine. But I want to apologize again. And, you didn't answer my question yet. Are you still mad at me? I know you do but can you rate it from 1-10?" he said like a kid wanting to have an ice cream.

"I already answered your question." I said cooly. "At first yes, but now that I've realized, it's now over. I forgive you. I hope you will do the same. To make you sure, I'll rate it as 1." I said.

He chuckled a bit hearing my rate. "Okay, so, are we now ... friends?" he said and his hands we're like to shake mine too.

I accepted that and he immediately smiled and so did I.

I smiled widely. "Friends."