
Hi, purples! Thank you because you made it until here. Thank you for your warm support. This journey for me is priceless. I can't hug you personally one by one. Still, I am hoping you feel it while reading.

I made it into series and here it is:

1. Living with no Heartbeats (Completed)

2. Living Insane (Soon)

3. Living in Fantasy (Soon)

I also want to apologize my grammar, punctuation, and my words. I am not that good enough because I am still learning to be one. I promise to do more, to improve more.

I wrote this story to escape my boredom. To express my feelings, and thoughts. I hope this pandemic will end soon. Hoping that everyone is safe in their homes.

I also felt sorry for the ending of this story. I know some of you did not satisfied about the ending. But unfortunately, the Series #1 is not just about love. As you can see, there's a slice of life. That everyone doesn't have a happy ending. It's only for Kane's story because after all she stand still alone without James. That, not every people only experienced their happily ever after. Some people had their dark past before they glow. I just want you to realize that this one is different. You may accept it, or leave it. That's how I guess. As much as I enjoy writing this story, I hope you enjoy reading it.

Thank you and see you on my next one!