Alice was confused by Sean's question because she knew very well with sentences like this, which often sounded in her ears.

When her mission is successful, then her clients try to establish a close relationship with her. But this is different. This time, a Garendra said it. And in Alice's imagination, maybe Sean's brain had shifted so badly.

"Of course not, even if I had, I would have recognized you the first time I woke up in the hospital. But, why are you asking me this? Is there a problem?" Alice answered Sean's question confidently because she had never felt like she had met Sean all this time.

"Nothing, please forget it!" said Sean calmly.

However, the look of disappointment was evident in his eyes that seemed lonely.

'Why did you say no? Though, I feel that I have met you before. But, where and when I don't know either, the smell of your body, your voice, and your smile reminds me of the girl that night. Am I wrong for a little wishing that girl was you?' Sean's heart was at war with the reality he had just heard from Alice.

Alice's face looked reassuring as she answered the question without hesitation. What is certain is that Alice is not the girl Sean has been looking for.

Alice felt the atmosphere become awkward and uncomfortable. Sean's silence after hearing Alice's answer made her uneasy.

"Mr. Sean, if you don't need anything else from me, I'll go back to sleep with the little one. Good night!" said Alice carefully getting up from the sofa, with her footsteps turning around.

Sean grabbed Alice's hand quickly, so Alice turned back and sat down.

"I'm not in a hurry. Sit with me in a bit!" Sean said while throwing a look like he wanted to pounce on Alice.

'Hello, Mr. Rich! You're not in a rush, but can you not make my heart jump right now, huh?' Alice grumbled inwardly.

With a heavy heart, Alice sat back down with Sean.

Sean smiled without taking his hand off Alice's. Sean grabbed Alice's hand and bowed his head as if to kiss Alice's hand.

"Are you afraid of me?" Sean asked with a smile that instantly shot Alice's heart.

'This is dangerous! Please, Oh, my heart! Please don't jump like this! I can be crazy!' Alice thought inside screaming because she couldn't control her nervous feelings at the moment.

Alice quickly withdrew her hand and shook her head uneasily. She nodded briefly and then shook her head again. And it made Sean laugh at her behavior.

"Perhaps, there isn't a single person who wouldn't be afraid of you if they knew who you are!" Alice answered carelessly.

"So, are you afraid of me too?" Sean asked again.

"Of course, who wouldn't be afraid if you behaved like this to someone?"

"You mean you're afraid of me because other people are afraid of me?" Sean asked again.

"Yes that's correct!" the answer is short.

"So if you're afraid of me because other people are afraid of me, why don't you want to marry me because women out there are fighting over wanting to be my wife?" Sean's trick question left Alice speechless.

'Surprise, I am stuck!' Alice said in her heart as she closed her eyes and the tip of her tongue which she bit into small.

Alice is too naive to face a figure of Sean Garendra's class who turns out to be not only a cold-blooded killer in business matters who can bring down his business opponents without mercy. However, it turns out that Sean is also good at playing with words to be able to trap Alice at this time.

"Cough! Mr. Sean, before I answer your question just now. May I ask you one thing?" Alice tried her luck this time.

"Yes, please," Sean replied with a smile.

"Why about me? Why not another woman like you just said? Is it because I saved Shine?" Alice asked in succession. And it seems that there are still more follow-up questions.

"Again, the little one looks fine. And I think the anxiety will subside once he returns to his normal activities. Isn't your excuse so ridiculous and far-fetched, Sir?" continued Alice.

Sean responded to Alice's chatter with a small chuckle and one word that confused Alice.


"Four? Four what?" asked Alice, who was confused.

"Yes four, you said you were going to ask one thing, didn't you but how can one multiply into four?" Sean chuckled explaining as he pointed his four fingers at Alice.

"Why don't you add one more question so my thumb doesn't bend? I feel sorry for it. And I'm willing to answer a thousand of your questions as long as I hear one 'Yes' answer from your lips!" one long sentence that stabbed straight into Alice's heart.

'Oh my God, help me this time, please! Please smooth out my dead brain because of hearing this expensive crap, Lord!' Alice screamed again in her heart.

"Sorry, Mr. Sean! I really can't accept this marriage. Because I don't want to get married anytime soon," Alice answered carefully.

Sean chuckled as he smiled a wry smile, "So you just want to sleep with me? Without you taking the responsibility of marrying me?"

"Yes, you could say so-!"

"Wait! No, that's not what I wanted to say!" Alice almost bit her tongue from getting caught up in Sean's fun again.

Sean looks satisfied that he got Alice stuck and answers what he wants.

Meanwhile, Alice didn't expect to fall back into the same hole twice at once. Alice seemed to be at her wit's end.

'Oh my God, I just asked You to save me from him, didn't I? But why are You now pushing me into his trap? His mouth is so dangerous that even military mines are easier for me to dodge!' Alice grumbled again in her heart.

"I beg you not to misunderstand my answer. I slipped my tongue earlier," Alice tried to argue again.

"No Miss Alice! Don't you know me well? Sean Garendra didn't accept the second answer because the first answer was honest in my opinion. So, I stand by your first answer,"

"But sorry, I don't accept sex outside of marriage!" Sean spoke the sentence casually.

'What? He has gone mad! Argh, my head is about to explode with this guy, God!' Alice screamed again in her heart. If only she wasn't hiding her identity as a mafia, she would have tied his tongue from the start.

"Wait a minute, Sir. Did I hear right? Don't many big CEOs like to play casual sex and I wouldn't be surprised if you did something like that either. Even Boss Troy is often heard having multiple partners," this time Alice replied to Sean's bullshit with her own.

But who would have thought, Sean pushed Alice to the ground and Sean was on top of her with only a few inches of face distance left.

"I told you don't test me, right? Because I don't know how to contain my male instincts when I'm close to you. Please don't test me, I can't stand this desire for too long," Sean said breathlessly in front of Alice's face making Alice embarrassed.

Alice's thoughts were all over the place making her face turn red like a boiled crab.

After closing his eyes for a moment, Sean got up and pulled Alice's hand back into her seat.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. Somehow, when I'm near you, I really can't help it, um, this. Yes, I think you can understand," said Sean while looking down at his sensitive object that rose while cursing his dirty thoughts at this time.

Alice almost couldn't hold back her laughter when she saw Sean's complicated expression because of something embarrassing like this.

"As I asked you earlier, have we met before? Because your scent and voice remind me of that girl from that night," Sean said after controlling his urges and spoke normally to Alice.

"Not that I want to be presumptuous, Sir. But just now you said against sex outside of marriage. But what I'm responding to right now, that past girl with yourself has an unusual relationship. Am I wrong if you two have sex-" Alice's sentence was cut off by Sean?

"Yes, that night was an accident. I met her only once and that too in an unconscious state. Without remembering her face, without knowing her name and who she was. All I remember is her scent is the same as the one I breathe when I'm close to you like this," Sean's answer made Alice blush, even more, Alice regretted that her mouth was so flexible as to cause herself to get back into trouble.

"But he's not me, sorry to disappoint you. Can we end this conversation because I can't bear to fall into the trap of your words again?" Alice worked up the courage to end this terrifying conversation.

"No, until I hear a sincere and satisfying answer from you,"

It was obvious that Sean wasn't going to let Alice go so easily.