It was obvious that Sean wasn't going to let Alice go so easily.

"Listen to me dear Sean Garendra. Marriage is not a game. It's not just whether you want it or not. And it's not as simple as you want to pay me for helping the little one. We have just met. Do you know about me? Do you know my past, Sir? If I told you I've had children, would you believe it too?"

Alice spoke firmly this time. As much as possible this pointless conversation should be stopped.

"What I want to marry is the current you. Your past has nothing to do with or affect me. The one I want to marry the current Alice, not the old you!"

As Alice had expected, it wasn't easy to subdue this stubborn God creature named Sean.

"Even if you don't care, my past is part of who I am now. My past reminds me to change for the better like now. And I won't forget who I was in the past to marry you. Sorry, our paths are completely different. Please withdraw your rash decision, Sir!" added Alice again.

This time there was no stupid face of an Alice. This time the soul of a Rose spoke. Sean's words stirred her emotions again and exposed the past that had been sleeping in Alice's mind. The memories that remind her of being weak and powerless in the face of the harsh realities of life.

Her memories of a young girl who had been hurt so deeply since childhood, that it brought her to the memory, that she once had a glimmer of life in the form of a child in her womb, which they even took, though not with intentional.

"Let's stop this stupid discussion, I hope you are not offended by all my words tonight," said Alice who quickly realized to control her thoughts not to get carried away by emotions. But that way, she also realized, that every word he said could offend Sean.

There was silence for a while before Sean said his sentence again.

"Fine, I get it," Sean replied flatly. Made Alice, who was already about to tense up at the thought of Sean's angry response at her rudeness relax even more.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep. Good night," Alice said before leaving Sean who was silent.

"Good night," Sean replied calmly.

Sean watched Alice's back drift away from his sight. Not leaving his eyes, Alice closed the bedroom door slowly.

While Alice was already hugging the little one gently and immediately sent a comfortable warm feeling to Shine who seemed to be moving closer to hug her. Everyone was asleep except for Sean.

How could Sean close his eyes, when his lower body was too sensitive to just sleep and forget his fantasies about Alice being so similar to the girl from his past.

While what happens to Mark, Ben, Rick, and the rest of Alice's men?

"Mark, Ben! I'm so hungry. Can I just go into the Boss's house?" Rick asked his two friends.

"Do you want to die huh?" Mark and Ben answered at the same time.


The shock in Alice's body and the sound of her cell phone ringing, couldn't help but get up on her bed without even opening her eyes.

"Who's head is going to be a ball for me to kick today?" said the unconscious Alice with her eyes closed.

The shaking in her body stopped but the sound of her phone didn't go out. Reluctantly, Alice shifted slightly from her position and stretched out her hand, trying to feel what she was looking for.

As if directed, her hand immediately found a cell phone that kept ringing on the small table beside her bed even though her eyes were still closed. Carelessly pressing, Alice immediately put the phone to her ear.

"Whoever you are, are you tired of living, huh? I haven't slept enough yet!" Alice snapped at the person on the other end of the call, who she knew must be one of her men.

"Boss, I can't take Boss to the set this morning," replied the caller who seemed to be Mark.

Hearing Mark say the word 'shoot location' Alice immediately opened her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, Alice was immediately startled by two handsome men of different ages watching her from the sofa outside the room from the open door.

It's a shame that Alice woke up in such a chaotic state and also became the spectacle of her guest. But soon Alice returned her focus to Mark's call.

"Okay, Mr. Driver, may I know the reason you didn't pick me up this morning?" Alice asked while acting to make their conversation seem natural.

"Last night I got a call from Boss Lion. He said, there is a friend of a client in this country who needs our services. So, this morning we're going to make sure those guys and what they want, before the Boss, meet them. I will contact Boss again for further information," Mark said seriously. However, Alice instead answered him with a sweet expression.

"Okay, Sir. Thank you for the information, I hope your wife gets well soon, okay?" Alice answered before hanging up the phone. HER eyes immediately went to the two men who had been staring at him.

"You guys are awake? You guys are ready too? Why didn't you wake me up?" Alice asked with a shy smile.

"We've been sitting here for an hour. But we don't want to disturb your sleep. And when the phone rang, Shine tried to wake you up and immediately sat back here, because he was afraid his head would become a ball," Sean said calmly with a smile and stroked little Shine's head.

Alice reflexively closed her mouth,

'Damn, luckily I didn't miss it! Why do I always sleep like this lazy pig? Thank God nothing happened to the child,' she grumbled to herself.

"I'm sorry, Shine. I don't know what to say. Are you getting scared?" Alice walked up to the little one with her hands together. Little Shine cutely smiled as he shook his head slowly.

"That's smart kids! Okay, as my apologies that you guys have seen my silliness in the morning, I will prepare breakfast, but all I will make is simple food, do you guys mind?" Alice asked the two of them.

Either because of blood relations or because their feelings are already compact for each other. Without a word, Sean and Shine raised their shoulders and raised their eyebrows.

"Okay!" said Alice as she turned towards the kitchen and chuckled.


Sean and Shine had just finished quietly eating the toasted sandwich Alice made. The three of them looked at each other as Alice came out of the bathroom in a knee-length black dress with a small white flower pattern. Alice was also wrapped in a white cotton jacket so that it contrasts with the small flowers.

Sean didn't blink his eyes when he saw Alice's beauty which immediately fascinated him.

Alice's straight hair was left loose because it was still a little wet and a cherry-pink color colored those thin and sexy lips.

Sean's blood rippled again until he didn't notice Alice was already there and sat in the chair beside him.

Alice realized that she was being watched closely by Sean to make it awkward too.

"Mm, I'm sorry, Mr. Sean. It's not that I want to kick you and the little one out of here. However, this morning was my first day working at the Wing Corporation and I didn't want to make a bad impression by being late. So-"

Alice opened her voice to wake Sean from his daydream, but she felt reluctant to send them home.

"I understand. Shine, let's go home, Miss Alice is going to work and I'm also going to the office," Sean said to Shine after his mind returned to normal.

With her head down, little Shine slowly got up and walked a short distance towards Alice. What he showed made Alice feel bad. Because it made the little one's heart sad.

Shine hugged Alice tightly as if saying goodbye and thanking her.

"Auntie, may we meet again?" Shine said slowly.

It was very clear in Sean's eyes that his son was not willing to part with Alice.

"Miss Alice, can we give you a ride to the Wing office? I heard your taxi driver couldn't pick you up this morning, am I right?" Sean asked calmly and then smiled at Shine who also smiled back.

Alice bit her lower lip as if hesitating to answer. But after she saw the numbers on her watch, Alice immediately nodded her head and replied to Sean's words with an awkward smile,

"Okay, Sir. Thank you, sorry to bother you again!" said Alice reluctantly.

Along the way, Sean watched Alice and Shine's interactions. It was shady in his heart to feel the happiness that radiated on Shine's face. Maybe the little one's days will always be cheerful when Alice is always with him.

Sean's mind was interrupted when he felt the speed of his vehicle was unstable and stuttering. His eyes scanned the outside of the car and saw a large crowd of people standing blocking the entrance to the Wing Corporation building area.

"What is it?" Sean asked the driver curtly.