"I don't know, Sir. I'll just look for the info first," replied the driver, who immediately took his cell phone and called someone. And moments later, the driver reported the situation again.

"Sir, this crowd of people is due to a fairly popular outside actor coming today soon security from within will open the way for us to enter," explained the driver.

"No, no, Sir! I'll just get off here. Don't bother and Mr. Sean please continue your journey," Alice quickly rejects Sean's plan.

"It would be even more exciting if your car got in there and dropped me off in front of the crowd. I don't want people to think that we have a relationship. I mean, who am I to get out of a big CEO like you? I hope you don't think too much of it," Alice explained her reasoning.

"Fine, it's up to you," said Sean curtly.

Alice then turned to Shine.

"My sweet little hero, we part here, huh! Be a good boy, and always smile. You should also speak more actively, yes! Bye and thank you," Alice said to Shine gently and without forgetting to give him three small kisses on both cheeks and forehead to make Shine happy and yes, Shine was smiling happily.

While Sean looks envious by looking at Alice who kissed Shine more than once.

"Thanks for the ride, Master! Please wish me a perfect day, okay?" Alice thanked him happily.

"Yeah, have a nice day. And haven't you forgotten something?" asked Sean which immediately confused Alice.

Alice immediately checked her already good appearance.

"What did I forget?" Alice asked again.

"Don't you know, huh? Even Shine got three at once!" Sean shamelessly said it until Alice immediately gasped when she heard it.

'Good grief! He has gone mad!' Alice grumbled in her heart.

"Cough! I don't think it's necessary, Sir. After all, Shine just who looked after me all night and all the way here. Am I right, Shine?" Alice changed the subject.

"But I brought you right now. At least I got one of the three kisses Shine received!" Sean put on a tired face.

Alice chuckled, but didn't answer and slowly got out of the car.

"But you are not a child anymore. I thank you for your kindness which turned out to be a kind, handsome, and not arrogant man. See you later!" Alice said goodbye, flashing a big smile with a flirtatious glance at Sean before walking away from their car.

Alice's wink was like a cupid's arrow that went straight to Sean's heart. Fascinated him and shook his head with a laugh.

"Do you like it, Shine?" Sean asked Shine who nodded quickly with a smile showing his cute teeth, Shine was so happy.

"Very nice, because I like her too. Let's get Aunt Alice and make her a mommy in our house!" Sean's smirk engraved on Shine's lips as they raised their hands to hi-five.


All-day while at the office. Something that had never happened before at Garendra Corporation. Because of their great CEO, they keep bringing a smile to everyone.

I do not know what possessed their big boss. They consider this phenomenon to be a new wonder of the world because an iceman like Sean Garendra never once seemed to smile and his face always looked serious.

They didn't know what was causing their cold boss to smile the whole time.

Inside the room of the CEO of Garendra Corporation…

Sean is seen looking freely at the view outside the capital city which is visible in the thick glass which is both the barrier and the wall of the building.

However, who knew that at this moment what Sean had in mind was not the sight, but Alice's face that kept playing in his mind.

"If you will accept my proposal, Alice will make sure you become the happiest woman in the world. For some reason, I feel like I want to continue to look at you and be close to you. Who are you?" Sean said in his mind, trying to figure out the meaning of an Alice in his heart.

Since childhood, Sean was born quiet and indifferent to people other than his family. At a young age, he was very fond of the topic of business and the market economy and everything related to the stock market, making him more and more immersed in his imagination, and only concerned with family and work until he didn't seem to be nearly in his thirties. Unlike his brother, Troy, who easily gets along with women anywhere and anytime because Troy can adjust to his hospitality.

But, not so with Sean when it comes to women's affairs. It never occurred to Sean that he wanted to have a relationship with a woman. Not because he wasn't normal. But according to him, going out and getting married or having a relationship with a woman is a troublesome thing. He just wants to work for himself and his family.

Especially after the death of his eldest brother, his lingering sadness made him forget that he was a man who needed a woman's hug.

His parents were concerned to see Sean's condition, which only focused on his career and family, especially on Shine who was still young, making his parents worried that they intended to forcefully match him.

All of these ideas failed because every matchmaking or blind date arranged by Sean's parents always ended with the woman who refused to be contacted again even to ask how she was. They don't know what Sean did to so many women who tried to approach him until they were frightened.

It was as if there was an alarm in Sean's body that immediately worked automatically locking his heart to be closed to women.

Until the unexpected night happened, Sean was framed by his parents to spend the night with the woman of his parents' choice so that they would believe that their quiet son was a normal man who liked women too.

At least, they could get Sean's descendants. Because, they believe, Sean will not change his mind to marry a creature of God named 'Woman'.

And a hot scene happened. Sean again remembered when he was having sex with a woman who he did not know who it was. Because at that time, he was in a semi-conscious state, under the influence of an aphrodisiac that made him more concerned with his undercurrents, than having to think extravagantly to figure out which woman would satisfy his desires.

Sean slept with the young woman many times. Although vague, Sean enjoys the sensation of making love to the woman.

And for some reason, his heart protection alarm didn't work on that woman. Just as his body continued to respond to every touch of the mysterious woman that night, even as if her body kept his stimulated to do that exciting activity again, again, and again.

Until the day began to light, Sean still wanted the woman's body, as if the smell of her breath and body became a separate addiction for Sean.

And sadly, last night's voluptuous woman was no longer in the hotel room, after he went out for a while to receive a call from his brother informing him about his parents plan to put women in his hotel room.

Sean was disappointed and furious. Whether it was because Sean didn't find his addicted woman last night or because he heard explanations and apologies from his parents for their outrageous actions.

And what surprised him even more, it turned out that his parents' plan failed to send the woman of their choice to Sean's hotel room, because the woman refused and was afraid of Sean.

So, who was the woman he made love to that night? I don't know, that's been a mystery to Sean until now. And these few days he was like a breath of fresh air.

His meeting with Alice makes Sean hope that Alice is the woman who made him addicted that night.

Sean's hopes are fueled by the feeling that his protection against women doesn't work when he's around Alice. And again, Alice's scent and breath made her instantly recall the delicious events of that night.

Even now, imagining Alice's smile and the last twinkle in her eye when they parted earlier, made Sean smile happily.

The male instinct of wanting to have a woman beside him rose and instead felt passionate.

But unfortunately, Sean remembered when he asked Alice if they had met before. And Alice's answer disappointed him by explaining that they had never seen each other before.

Would that make Sean give up? Certainly not! A Sean Garendra never give up. His determination is strong to get closer to Alice. Besides, because it was Shine, who also wanted Alice to always be with them.

"Even if I didn't find the woman last night, so be it. Everything in me needs you, Alice! And I didn't feel this way for any woman before I met you," Sean muttered to himself.

"Alice, you have to want to be mine. I won't give up even if you reject me a thousand times. Don't expect you to run away from me. Who told you to seduce my eyes so much?"

"You are a special woman who makes me curious," he added, smiling again.