While Alice in the car creates a deadly aura that Mark, Ben, and Rick can feel. None of the three dared to raise their voices.

Three hits to the heads of Ben, Mark, and Rick. The three of them groaned silently. Unexpectedly dashing men like them did not move in front of a slender woman like Alice.

"You are stupid! Who accepts a client like that, huh?" Alice snapped at the three. Silence, no answer, even the sound of scratching their heads was more dominant at this time.

"Mark!" Alice snapped again at Mark.

"Boss Lion called me and gave direct orders, Boss!" He answered scared.

"So it's because he told you to accept such a stupid client, huh?" asked Alice who was still yelling. Mark couldn't answer. It was in the wrong position yesterday.

He couldn't refuse the order of the famous cold-blooded Lion Black. But he also did not dare to say the mission that the client wanted. So he only hoped for the kindness of his boss to forgive his helplessness. Because he knew, Rose would not dissolve blaming him.

"Okay Mark, it seems that you are too relaxed this time, I will send you to Brother Lily right now if you want!" Alice said in a calm tone as she fiddled with her cellphone.

"No Boss!" said Mark and Ben together. 

While Rick who heard Lily's name was mentioned immediately shuddered with goosebumps.

"Why don't I just be devoted to my brother, if any of my subordinates here are unemployed? Maybe one of you can be his right-hand man!" Alice answered them without any guilt.

The trio's faces paled at the threat from their boss. Maybe it's just a joke and boasts if their boss is in a good mood.

But, isn't the time. Because at this time it was very visible that Rose's side dominated their boss's attitude.

"Give me your cell phone, Mark! I need to call my brother!" said Rose to Mark.

"Boss, please! Don't send us to Mr. Lily. We still want to live, Boss!" asked Rick who slightly understood what their current boss was talking about.

Of course, it was a terrible threat to them. Better to die than have to serve Boss Lily in Dubai there.

A little info, Lily is not the real name of Rose's adopted brother who was raised by Black Jack. His brother's real name is Daw Khemkhaeng, a slightly graceful Thai-blooded man who doesn't like women, can be called a Gay.

Lily is his favorite flower, so he took the name Black Lily as his mafia name.

It could be a little clearer, wouldn't it, if Mark, Ben, and Rick were whining at their boss not to be sent to Lily's place.

Black Lily is Black Jack's second adopted child after Black Sky, his first adopted child. While Lion and Rose, are the third and fourth children.

If Rose is a long-range killing weapon, Lily is a melee fighter with Thai Boxing skills and other melee combat weapons.

Back to the situation in the car.

"Boss, please!" whined Rick again.

"Shut up! This time you guys survived," Rose grumbled. But in the end, she canceled her wish and returned Mark's cell phone.

"Ben, I don't want to go home. Get me a beach!" Rose ordered again.

"Roger!" Ben replied happily.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. This time they survived. However, to be honest, Rose couldn't bear to throw them away either, because the three of them were like family she loved.


"Ben, since when is Boss like that last night before we left Boss's apartment, she wasn't like that?" Mark asked Ben.

The three of them were watching Rose's behavior sitting quietly on the beach from a distance not too far from them.

Rose is seen letting her legs and pants get wet from the waves that alternately rise to the edge.

"I don't know. The Boss looked frustrated when I picked her up from the set earlier. And the Boss said she just met a nuisance bee," replied Ben.

"What are you talking about? I do not understand!" Rick scolded his two colleagues.

"Who told you not to learn the language that Boss uses? You suck!" Mark grumbled.

"Hey, Mark! What did you just say?" Rick asked Mark and then turned to Ben next to him.

"Ben, what did he say? I know he swore at me!"

"Never mind, why don't you just focus on Boss? And what Mark told you is true, Rick! Quickly understand the language. We have a hard time interpreting every sentence for you! That's inflexible, Rick!" Ben replies to Rick.

"Yes, I understand. Sorry," Rick replied a little gloomily. A tap on the shoulder from Mark made Rick turn sideways.

"Don't be sad! We will help you!" Mark said to Rick with a smile.

And after that Mark left his place, headed to somewhere.


At Sean Garendra's house.

"Bro, why did you come home so early?" Troy asked Sean who had just arrived at their house.

"Should I ask your permission first to come back to my house?" Sean answered in a flat tone.

Sean's face looked complicated. Troy approached his brother who was sitting back on the sofa.

"What's wrong? Why do you look like you lost hundreds of billions of tenders? Who messed you up this time?" asked Troy as he handed Sean a can of cold drink.

Sean immediately took a sip of the isotonic liquid until the remaining half.

"Hundreds of billions are nothing if you only knew what I see today!" Sean said unenthusiastically as he turned to the little Shine who was coloring in the other room with a maid.

"Not now, there's Shine. By the way, do you know where Alice came from?" asked Sean as he turned back to Troy.

"Wow, didn't I hear wrong, Bro? Are you really serious in love with that girl? You guys have only known each other for a few days and last night-" Troy hung up on his sentence and reflexively covered his mouth as he turned to Shine who was watching them.

"Don't tell me you guys did it last night, Bro. So, where did you guys sleep Shine?" Troy's silly question made Sean even more of a headache.


There was the sound of a can being squeezed by Sean until the remaining isotonic liquid in it spilled over his own pants.

"I swear, I don't know why God sent Mommy and Daddy to give me a stupid little brother like you!" Sean said annoyed while looking at his silly little brother.

"Are you looking for info about Alice or am I going to find out myself? And if I don't receive information about it tonight, Wing Entertainment will hand it over to a charity! Worth it?" Sean said again. This time Troy opened his mouth wide.

"Woah! For the sake of a girl you gave up your own brother's life, huh?" asked Troy with a serious, angry face just inches from Sean's face. Then after a few seconds, he immediately pulled his face back while grimacing abused.

"Very well, the great Sean Master! Please forgive this little brother of yours. Okay, I'll look for information about Alice for you, as long as you don't take my Wing, okay!" Troy whined again pleading. How dare he go against his brother's orders if he threatened it like that.

"Okay I'm going," he said goodbye to Sean who was lazy to watch him.

"Shine! Uncle is coming to your aunt Alice's house, do you want to come?" Troy slightly raised his voice calling out to Shine on purpose and then dashed off as fast as lightning.

Of course, Shine immediately stood up and ran after and shouted the name of Troy who had already disappeared.

Sean couldn't help but chase the little guy who wanted to chase after Troy who was no longer seen.

"Troy! Just watch out if you come home tonight, huh!" Sean shouted to his younger brother who had already driven his car and made the little one cry.

While Troy burst out laughing at his brother screaming out of his car's rearview mirror,

"Feel it! You ungodly brother! haha!" he laughed happily. 


Not long after, Mark returned with a plastic bag filled with soft drinks and walked over to Alice. Ben and Rick, who saw Mark, joined in walking behind him.

Sit them parallel to Alice.

"Boss, have a drink," Mark said to Alice, handing him the can of drink he'd just brought. The rest he shared with his two friends.

"Boss, what exactly made you different today?" Ben ventured to ask. Alice took a sip of her drink, then took a shaky breath before she spoke.

"I don't know, I don't know why today my mood is so bad. And it feels like my eyes are sore and my chest is tight like I want to cry. But my mind rejects it," Alice replied calmly.

"We are ready to listen to your story if you want to share, Boss!" said Mark turning to Alice. Until a small smile appeared on Alice's lips.