"You know what made Rose exist?" Alice asked the three of them. And all three shook their heads.

"Rose exists because of Alice's destruction," she answered herself.

Then she again said,

"Rose was born, when Alice was helpless. Rose was different from Alice. Although Rose is great and is not afraid of the world, Rose has a weakness. She doesn't have a soft heart as Alice," she trailed off again.

Silent for a while, enjoying the waves lapping their feet, and feeling the beach breeze at dusk.

"But Alice is too weak and easy to destroy. That's what worries me. The phrase 'cheap woman' reminded me of my old self, who was unable to repay those who always insulted me. But what can I do? Alice is a weak woman who can only cry," Alice said again, and then she lowered her head.

Her sadness could be felt by the three subordinates beside her.

"But, the weak Alice has turned into the strong Rose. Don't  be sad anymore, Boss!" Ben spoke.

"Yeah, you're right, Ben. My weak soul is dead. But that's what makes me sick and indecisive as I am now," answered Alice.

"You mean, Boss?" This time it was Mark who asked.

Meanwhile Rick just silently listened to the language they used which he couldn't understand well.

"I also want to live a normal life. Love someone and have a family. Old age spends the rest of my life, and I die in peace. It's natural, isn't it?" Alice spoke, and it made Ben and Mark sad for their Boss.

"Natural for Alice but impossible for Rose, right, Boss?" replied Ben.

"That's right!" Alice replied curtly.

Finally Ben and Mark understood what their Boss was thinking now. Remember and pay attention to the life of their Boss here who is too closely related to many people. And it reminded their Boss of her old life.

Different from Rose's life which is full of challenges and dangers without caring about feelings, the only satisfaction that she achieved after successfully killing one by one target.

And now her heart is colliding and causing anxiety. She wanted to be normal without abandoning Rose's brave figure, but Rose and Alice were two complete opposites.

The four of them fell silent again. Feel the wind that is getting more piercing after the moon takes the place of the sun and makes the sky dim.


A barrage of notification sounds rang out from Sean's cell phone. He quickly swiped the flat screen of his cellphone because he was sure the message was from his brother.

Before he opened the message, a ringing call sounded, showing a photo of a handsome young man who looked a little like him. Of course the face was normal to Sean.

"What's again?" he answered straight away.

"Brother, can I go home already?" asked Troy sounding wistful.

"I forgive you tonight, but don't come home. Shine is crying so hard until now because of you! You'll be my outlet when you come home!" Sean answered flatly.

Meanwhile, the person on the other end of the phone line shuddered to hear it.

"Okay, Bro. After all, I have business with my new friend, maybe I won't be home for the last two nights, haha!" Troy replied, laughing happily.

"Two days? Do you want to fuck yourself to death, huh? If you don't come to my office tomorrow, you're done!" Sean said annoyed to his annoying brother.

"Woah, looks like someone is jealous here! Hahaha! Alright, my handsome brother, please study my report just now, and I will exercise at night, see you in two days!"  Troy teased Sean before hanging upon them.

"Oh my God, I'm going crazy because of that kid! I hope your manhood can't stand up tonight!" Sean cursed his brother in annoyance.

Sean was annoyed because when he was still trying to get Alice, while his sister even quipped with his silliness who likes to change women to make love.

His annoyance turned serious when he read the data about Alice. From there he knew that Alice was the daughter of the Reksa family who graduated from California State University, and lived in California for the past five years.

Sean's eyes widened, as he read the report on the next slide. His eyes were drawn to the names of Alden Rajasa and Nathael Verlon as Alice's ex-lover.

"Alden Rajasa, the young CEO of the Rajasa family, right? I seem to have met him several times. And Nathaniel Verlon, who is he? The name is familiar, but I don't know him," Sean was lost in his thoughts. Because he didn't find the answer to his anger, Sean called his brother who was getting ready to do his evening workout with a sexy woman with curly hair on top of him.

Troy's cell phone kept ringing and interrupting their concentration and heating.

"What else, Bro? Why can't you let my life rest in peace?" grumbled Troy annoyed.

"Do you dare to complain about me?" asked Sean with a sly smile. He knew that at this time he had disturbed his brother who was making love.

"No no no, I dare not. So what more do you want?" Troy asked annoyed.

"Who's Nathael Verlon?" Sean answered a question with a question.

"Of course he is Alice's ex-boyfriend! A new booming artist. And is now taking on a role in Wing with Alice. Is it enough? Alright, I'm off!" Troy explained and immediately turned off his phone before Sean spoke again.

'New artist? No wonder I don't know. But what did he say? Playing with Alice? What the hell is that Troy? Why would he take that person to role play with Alice?" Sean muttered with a long sigh.

As Sean continued to read the data reports about Alice late, his mind flashed back to the mysterious, all-black woman this afternoon.

"How come none of this information refers to the woman this afternoon did I mistake that woman for Alice?" he continued.

He continued to think in silence. Leaning his head and body on the recliner in his studyroom.

"So who is that mysterious woman? There are even three men following her but I'm pretty sure it's Alice."

Sean's thoughts soared and of course, Alice was the object of his daydreams at the moment.


The beach was dark, even the moon did not shine beautifully because it was covered by thick clouds that seemed to be preparing to rain.

Alice was sitting with Rick at the moment. Meanwhile Ben takes the car and Mark looks for a change of clothes for their Boss.

"Boss, may I ask a question?" Rick started a conversation that had been quiet because of Alice's sadness.

"What did you say just now? I don't understand at all. Sorry for always bothering you, with my questions, Boss!" continued Rick again.

"Why are you apologizing, Rick? You're not wrong. I just recruited someone like you wrong, hahaha! Alice replied with a laugh, and after that Alice corrected her sentence again.

"No offense, I was just kidding!"

"Listen carefully!" Alice tells Rick to listen carefully.

"Remember, our wounds in the past are the triggers for us to become stronger, but, be strong without losing our happiness!"

"And what do you know? I love you like my own family," Alice said, smiling at Rick.

"Thank you, Boss! I won't bother you anymore," said Rick, touched.

So grateful it felt, he had Alice as the leader.

"Yeah, cheer up! Let's go home, they're here!" said Alice, patting Rick on the shoulder repeatedly when she saw their car approaching.

Alice's cell phone rang again. And when she saw the name of the caller, 'Luna the Old Maiden' her face looked lazy to accept the call.

"Do you need me to answer, Boss?" Mark asked.

"Leave it alone, it will die on its own soon!" answered Alice lazily.

And yes, the ringing of the cell phone stops, but only for a moment. And then, the sound came back.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" Alice replied lazily after being forced to open the call.

"Wow, big arrogant artist! Feeling great, huh?" Luna pouted from there.

"Never mind, Luna, I'm in a bad mood to serve your nonsense!" Alice answered lightly and uncaringly.

"You insolent girl! How dare you talk to me like that, huh?" Luna snapped angrily, suddenly making Alice move the speakerphone away from her ear.

"Listen! Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock there is a meeting with local investors, and Mr. Reksa is on a business trip with his prospective boss, Mr. Rajasa. Besides, Dena will start shooting the commercial tomorrow. Do you understand?" explained Luna in a voice that was not relaxed. 

"Oh," Alice's one-word reply meant to be lazy in responding to Luna's words, but Alice immediately remembered something,

"What? Tomorrow? Have you gone crazy, Luna? If Dena starts shooting tomorrow, I'm sure I'll do the same thing, right? So what do you mean now?" Alice snarled at her.

"It's up to you, I don't care. You're a great woman! Fine, I'll hang up!" Luna responded to Alice's panic with indifference and immediately hung up.

"You old fox, Luna! Why don't you get tired of seeing me in trouble?" cursed Alice who was still holding her cell phone until she heard the sound of something crushing what Mark, Ben, and Rick had expected.

"Mark, buy me a new cell phone tonight!" said Alice flatly.

"Okay, Boss!" Mark answered matter-of-factly. Then exchanged glances with Rick and Ben in front of him. As if having one mind, the three of them smiled slyly at the thought of a small surprise for Luna the spinster who had troubled their boss.

"Don't be like you guys!" said Alice again to the three of them, as if she understood that her subordinates would plan to do something to Luna.

"Nothing, Boss! Take it easy, hehe!" replied Mark. 

However, if they give a little surprise is not wrong, right?