I realized this pain screamed in my mind.


Losing my true identity.


In the sound of destruction carried by the howling of the wind.


But it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten my old life.


Life without feelings and happiness.


And this heart, I have locked it tightly.


From the sound of crying.


And without a doubt, I believe those tears are mine wasted for humans who don't want me…


Alice/ Black Rose


In the morning, at eight o'clock in front of PT. Reksa Rimba.

After Alice struggles to wake up from her miserable wake-up drama, she is finally able to arrive at her family's company.

The distance he had to travel to get there took approximately one hour. Meanwhile, Alice just woke up from her sleep at seven in the morning.

Imagine how busy it was this morning. Not to mention for bath time and cleaning up.

Right now he was cursing Luna for making her flustered like this. She thought back to the moment half an hour ago…

"Rick, deliver me in half an hour, hurry!" Alice ordered Rick.

Why Rick? Because Rick is a former wild racer who has the nickname Street Ghost that Alice needs right now.

A drama chase with the traffic police also ensues, but Rick easily evades and makes the security forces lose track of them.

Exactly thirty minutes later, Rick and Alice arrived in front of the family company. Very tiring.

And after telling Rick to leave, Alice calls Mark.

"Mark, after you guys join Rick at the harbor, just sink the car, there was a bit of drama with the authorities, I don't want to take the risk to keep me updated on Alfred, understand? Hope you're all right!" Alice said to Mark.

For some reason, Alice is currently very worried about her subordinates leaving without her.

After this morning received information on the whereabouts of Alfred who was being hunted by them. She entrusts the investigation to them, while Alice must struggle and solve problems in her normal life.

Alice, who was still closely watching her cellphone because she was worried about her men, stepped carelessly with her high heels.

She almost fell when her heel slipped and sprained her heel. Luckily, Alice's body was caught in the chest of someone coming from the side.

"You again?" said Alice in surprise.

"Is that a greeting for people who know each other?" said the man, "What about your leg? Does it hurt?" he asked again.

"Mr. Sean, what are you doing here? Oh, thank you! I almost forgot," Alice responded, and then she remembered something again,

"Wait! Are you here as a local investor meeting me today?" Alice asked, to be precise.

"Smart Woman!" Sean answered briefly with a smile.

'Oh, My God! Why him again? What does all this mean? I don't know how to act in front of him!' Alice screamed in her heart.

"Cough! Okay, fine. Please come in, Mr. Sean, let's discuss our business inside!" said Alice who regained her composure in front of Sean, as she ushered him into the office.

Accompanied by a man who seemed to be his assistant.

Sean sat quietly, while his assistant, Thunder, was explaining the purpose of their coming to Alice's family company.

"Sorry if you were surprised by our sudden arrival. But it seems I have followed the procedure to make an appointment in advance with Manager Luna last night. So I think there's a bit of a lack of communication," said Guntur to Alice.

"It's okay, Mr. Thunder. It seems the fault was on our side. I apologize for my impoliteness. So, let's just start today's discussion," Alice answered politely and looked very professional in her delivery.

Alice explains and introduces the advantages that can be produced from the wood of their choice. About the quality of basic materials guaranteed good quality, and so on.

Thunder as Sean's assistant and the secretary was also very capable of responding to Alice's delivery in the negotiations.

Meanwhile, Sean was also busy rolling his eyes looking at Alice's elegance in an office woman's work coat, which further added to the professional and smart woman impression on her. And that was what made Sean reluctant to take his eyes off Alice. 

Until sometime later, a question arose from Thunder to the CEO, "Sir, Miss Alice opens a price that they think is following the quality of the basic ingredients they offer, do you want to agree or I will discuss again with Miss Alice about the price, Sir?" Thunder asked.

"If she asks for all my property too, just give it as long as she wants to be my wife," Sean answered calmly but was not aware of what Thunder asked him.

'He started again!' Alice grumbled to herself, patting herself on the forehead.

Then Alice cleared her throat, intending to break Sean's sharp eyes that she felt very uncomfortable with.

"Sorry, Mr. Sean, looks like you misheard your secretary talking earlier, your secretary said about the price quote for basic materials that we proposed. And nothing else," Alice insisted, "and who would discuss marriage at a work meeting like this anyway?" Alice asked again.

"I!" Sean replied curtly.

'Haish! I can't take it anymore this time,' she cursed inwardly before Alice let out a whimper.

"Sorry, Mr. Thunder, our company only sells and provides high-quality wood, and nothing else. But apparently, your boss does not need any kind of wood but women. It's clear he's lonely, and hurry up and find a soul mate! Otherwise, his insanity will spread everywhere!" said Alice furiously.

But Sean responded to Alice's scolding with a smile, then his mouth returned a seductive sentence, "I'm not looking for wood, what I'm looking for is you." he explained casually.

"What?" Alice and Thunder asked in unison in shock.

"Sorry, dear Mr. Sean. I'm not being able to play around this time. My schedule is tight, although not as busy as Mr. Sean's precious time. So, I beg you to end this meeting and go on with our respective activities. I think it's better than continuing the gibberish just now!" Alice said at length. In other words, Alice's words just meant kicking Sean out of there.

Just as she was about to start babbling again, Alice's cell phone rang. And the name that appears is 'Mr. Director' on the screen of her cellphone.

"Yes hello, Mr. Director? Here Alice, can I help you?" Alice asked politely.

"Alice, did you forget to attend our first shooting? See what time it is? Even Dena and Nathael had arrived earlier. Hurry up, Alice! Don't keep everyone waiting. My job is at stake here!" The director said a little pleading for Alice to arrive on set immediately to shoot the scene.

"All right, Sir. I'm going down there right away!" Alice answered before the connection was cut off.

'What should I do? While this perverted brain is still here, hah! My head will explode if it continues like this. His aura makes me lose,' she grumbled in her heart,

'Hmm, but fine, I'll try to persuade him,'

"I wouldn't have left if you were still ignoring me," Sean said guiltily.

"W-what do you mean? I didn't ignore you earlier. I just don't like the way you take advantage of the situation. How can a big CEO like you always bother me?" Alice couldn't hold back her annoyance.

"I beg you, Mr. Sean, we end today's meeting. I will tell the director of our company that the quality of our wood is not up to the standard that Mr. Sean wants!" Alice persuaded him.

"Thunder, you're out!" Sean ordered his secretary. He looked displeased with what Alice had just said.

"I'm waiting outside, Sir!" replied Thunder. After Thunder left the meeting room, Sean stepped closer to Alice.

Sean held the chair where Alice was sitting until Alice locked it with both hands. And again, Alice still had to resist the temptation of Sean's wild gaze that was inches away from her face.

"Mm-what do you want, I mean what do you want to do, sir?" asked Alice who was already embarrassed.

"There's nothing I'm going to do. I'm just making sure the look in the eyes I saw yesterday came from the same eye,"

One sentence Sean managed to make Alice petrified.

'You're done, Alice! My cover has been blown!'  she cursed in her heart. Without batting an eye from Sean's piercing gaze.

"Now that I look at it, it turns out that those eyes are just as beautiful, and wait a minute, I also want to confirm one more thing!" he said softly in Alice's ear after he moved his face to the side. Then he sniffed Alice's neck with a passionate roar.

While Alice, being treated like this, couldn't help but enjoy Sean's breath which made a tingling sensation in her neck. And of course, the fine hairs all over her body growled, making her close her eyes to feel it.

Alice didn't realize that the expression on her face enjoying Sean's small attack had become a beautiful sight for Sean himself.