"I don't know, Dad! Don't ask me about having to judge how you and Mommy feel. Mommy was right for following her wise decision with everything that had happened so far. It's also not wrong for Daddy to be disappointed because Mommy always takes the initiative on his own. But, I know, everything Mommy did to you was just because Mommy loves you so much, Dad."

"Maybe if Mommy's fate wasn't like that, Mommy would prefer to live a calm and happy life with us. But, maybe not that kind of Mommy you love. You love Mommy like this. Mommy is brave and not afraid of anything. Am I right, Dad?" Shine said each thing calmly and asked questions after that.

"Yes, you are right, Shine. This is the kind of mommy I love and this is the risk I have to take. Thank you, son. You woke me up after I almost ignited greed and anger at your Mommy. I'll be waiting with you, Shine!" the father replied with a smile.