"I don't like that story, Dad!" Sunny replied glumly.

Lion raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Why not?" he responded.

"The story is sad. There is nothing happy in that story. The King died, the Queen and Prince must be very sad!" Sunny replied.

"But, after the King dies, the Queen and Prince will return together with the King who was separated from them. This story has a happy ending, son. Everyone will be happy," Lion explained again.

"Prince must love his father because since childhood the Prince has received love from his father. Even though the real father also loves the Prince very much."

"After all, why did the King have to die? Couldn't the story have a happy ending and the King still live with them? Don't anyone die, Dad? I don't like death!"

"If I were the Prince, I would try to find the antidote for the poison, so that the King could live happily with the Queen and the other Princes and Kings,"