"But that's not how things are right now, Alice! You're sick and I don't want to see you keep hiding that pain. Got it, honey. I'm so worried for you right now!" Sean again explained softly.

"I make sure my body is fine. Let's go inside and eat. I'm sure after I fill my hungry stomach, my condition and strength will return to normal!" Alice replied confidently, "And maybe tonight I can serve you a few rounds too. How, do you agree?" she continued asking with mischievous eyes.

"Oh my God, what am I looking at right now? My wife is so naughty even though her condition is weak right now!" muttered Sean who didn't even think about Alice's boasting, "Alright, let's go inside and eat a lot so you can recover your strength!" said Sean who finally relented with Alice's sweet words.

The two of them entered Arnold Sanjaya's simple and unique house. After going inside, it turns out that they were amazed by the interior of the house and the knick-knacks in it.