Of course, everyone paid attention to them. Arnold was no exception, who harbored envy in his heart.

'Sean is lucky to have a wife like you, Rose. Reminds me of my late wife who was also a mobster, but she still doesn't lose her smile and affection for me. Seeing you guys like this reminds me of the past,' Arnold thought sadly.

The atmosphere at the dining table that sounded cheerful was suddenly quiet when Mona came over with the soup that Alice had tasted before. Followed by several waiters who brought other complementary dishes.

"Well, Mona has arrived. Let's eat this delicious dish! Please, taste it. Hope you all enjoy Mona's homemade cooking!" said Arnold happily showing off his daughter's skillful cooking.

In a happy and familiar mood, everyone ate the food provided and continued to praise Mona. Alice and Sean's parents are no exception, who continue to praise Mona's cooking.