"Adrian, what the fuck?" Camila reacts as we stand outside the diner and I'm showing her Charlie's birthday gift, "you're serious?" She looks at me
"Of course I am" I nod, "why you don't think he'll like it?"
"I mean are you kidding yeah he'll love it but it's Charlie, there's no way he'll accept it" "Why not?" I frown worried
"Have you ever talked to Charlie about how much money you actually have?" Thinking about the question I shake my head, "exactly
because when it comes to money and accepting it from other people he has a big problem with that,
Charlie never liked taking anything from anyone."
"You don't think he'll take it?"
"This is an amazing gift Adrian but no I don't, I honestly think if you show him this Charlie might actually break up with you"
"Jesus" I stare at it, "why did I think this was a good idea? Of course, he won't take it I'm such an idiot"