"Yes Charlie getting to work on a real court case before law school is a big deal" I say with a tone and he stares at me. Sighing I apologize "sorry it's just I've worked my butt off from the moment I got here and yet he gets everything, he's head of our honors society, he decided he wanted to be pre- law last year and is somehow excelling at it even though it's been my major since day one, hell he even had you first. I just don't know how much more I can take."
"You always let Axl get to you, who cares what he has? None of that shit has anything to do with you all right, so just focus on your own shit."
"It's not that easy, Charlie"
"Because you don't let it be easy, you're always so hard on yourself to be the best when in reality none of it really matters-"
"What I want doesn't matter?"
"No- I mean yeah it does but you never let yourself enjoy anything you do because of fucking Axl.
He's shit, ok? You're better than him" I