Trevor pt. 3
"So, where were you?" My mom and I walk in the mall shopping "When?"
"Really Silas? If you're going to sneak out in the middle of the night don't leave your bedroom door
wide open." Ignoring her I continue to walk "did anything happen?"
Remembering last night…
"So what do we do now?" I ask him
"I'm gonna go throw up and you're gonna go home" "Trevor... we need to talk about this"
"And we will, but right now... I need you to get away from me."
That was it.
"No nothing happened" I lie... and we continue about our day.
Getting home I sit in my room going through the things I bought, my mom walks in as I'm on my bed "hey I have to run to my office for a few hours you gonna be ok here?" I nod "I'll be back soon okay, eat something and don't stay in here all day."
"Yes mom" I reply and she leaves.