Chapter 10: Without Any Emotion

Aria was stunned by the words without any emotion for a moment and soon returned to the present moment.

She overestimated herself. Before the divorce, he was already indifferent to her. How could she expect him to help her after the divorce?

Now she was not even "Mrs. Harris" anymore!

Somehow, Aria panicked, clutched the corner of her clothes, and did not dare to look the man in the face.

What was going on with her? Why would she expect this man to help her?

The hair on Aria's forehead was soaked with cold sweat. She tried to calm herself, took a deep breath, lowered her head, and said in a very low voice, "Sorry."

After saying that, she turned around and disappeared step by step in the corridor.

Aria stepped forward and never stopped for another second. She knew that the man was staring at herself behind her and felt uneasy.