"This seems like a good spot!" said Blitray.

They were in a open patch of the forest next to Yon, called Tanglebloom.

"Yeah. You three should back up a bit, I don't know how dangerous this could get." Zoar said as he faced the others.

"Right!" Ami said and dashed out of the way, Maurice and Kasstia soon following.

"Alright! First you must learn to actually channel your SPEED magic." says Blitray.

"Now how do I do that?" Zoar asks.

"Simply breathe in and hold for 3 seconds, then blow out slowly."

"Sounds too easy."

"Just do it and you will see."

Zoar closes his eyes. He breathes in. Holds for 3 seconds. He blows out.

Suddenly he felt a strange change in his surroundings.

He opened his eyes. Blitray was smiling.

"Great! Your magic aura is visible now!" Blitray claps his hands lightly.

"It's so simple, yet you only have a limited amount you can use..." Blitray pulls out his staff and his aura begins to emit itself.

"The stronger your magic is, the longer you can use it... I am able to use my magic for 37 years straight without using any powerful attacks." Blitray said.

"Holy shit!" Maurice said.

"By the look of your aura, it seems your already able to go 40 hours..." Blitray squints his eyes at Zoar.

"I feel... powerful. It's like my energy has gone up." Zoar looks at his hands.

"That's your power. SPEED magic will make your energy level multiply by hundreds to thousands.... Now then..." Blitray's DARKNESS suddenly becomes powerful.

"Let's fight, shall we?"

Zoar smirks and draws his sword.

"Let's do this."

Zoar dashed towards Blitray in the blink of an eye. Dust went flying with a gust of wind following it.

Blitray blocked the attack.

"Good, but slow." Blitray then knocked Zoar back.

Zoar dashed back at him. Blitray knocked him back.

Over and over again, they clashed back and forth atleast 30 times.

"Zoar! Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity, you know! Try a different approach!" Maurice yelled from the sidelines.

Zoar quickly looked up at the trees and an idea struck him.

Zoar stopped and jumped into the nearest tree.

"What-!" Blitray looked up.

Zoar was dashing back and forth across the treetops.

Blitray watched him carefully as the trees rustled.

Then it all suddenly stopped.

Zoar was gone.

Blitray closed his eyes and listened.

A light wind brushed across the treetops.

A small animal was nearby.

Suddenly, Blitray could hear the sound of running growing louder.

He jumped back and braced himself.

Zoar appeared in front of, but Zoar suddenly stopped and jumped into the air.

Blitray, confused looked into the sky and saw Zoar hit a huge tree with his sword.

Blitray gasped.

He quickly unleashed black tentacles from his darkness and grabbed the tree, stopping it mid air.

Zoar landed on the ground.

"We can stop here." Blitray said.

Blitray set the tree down and retracted his tentacles.

"That was intense!" said Ami.

"It was amazing!" said Kasstia.

"That shit was scary! What if that Goddamn tree hit us!?" Maurice said.

"My bad." Zoar said and his aura faded away.

"My bad my a-!" Maurice was cut off by Blitray.

"You've exceeded my expectations! Using a tree against me was definitely a wild card for sure!" Blitray clapped.

"Blitray, just how powerful are you?" Zoar asks.

Blitray's face lightens.


"You seem to be extremely powerful and you seem to be holding back. What you did to show off your magic in Yon was you at your best wasn't it?" Zoar crosses his arms.

"Not even close actually."

Zoar grunts quietly.

"Allow me to showcase another power of mine." Blitray then walks off into the deeper part of the forest.

They follow him.


Zoar, Kasstia, Ami and Maurice folow Blitray for another 12 minutes until he stops.

They see a Fein Deer.

A breed of deer that have Blue, lightning like antlers, but are extremely slow.

Blitray suddenly grabs it in the blink of an eye with a DARKNESS tentacle.

The deer screeches and it suddenly faints.

Another tentacle goes into its mouth.

The deer's limbs start to twitch and its eyes start to glow a bright green.

"What is he doing to that poor thing...?" Kasstia covers her mouth.

"This is some fucked shit..." says Maurice.

The deer has blobs that seem to be made of DARKNESS begin to pop up in random spots.

"This is my very cruel and dark power..." Blitray let's the deer go.

It lands on all 4's. It sniffs around the area as it's body twitches.

It looks Zoar in the eye and screams.

It suddenly starts dashing towards him at a high speed.

"What the-!?" Zoar pulls out his sword.

He slashes the deer in half.

The deer denigrates into a black, smoke like fog that fades away.

"That was... strange." Zoar puts his sword away.

"Yes, indeed... I do not like doing this... I can turn innocent animals into feral beasts... and I can turn feral beasts into abhorrent creatures..." Blitray turns around and looks at Zoar.

"Well... we should get going. That village is nearby." Blitray says.

Everyone nods.

That power that Blitray showed them was eerie and cruel. It gave everyone shivers down their spines.


They traveled through the forest for another 27 minutes and finally found the village. It was small. It only had 3 houses and there looked to be a tiny garden and small farm with animals in it.

They approached the village.

"Does anyone even live here?" asked Ami.

"It looked like it." said Kasstia.

Zoar looked at the smallest house and saw a person come out of it.

"I see someone!" said Maurice.

The person began to run over to them.

"Maurice!?" said the person.

"What the hell!? Is that you Riley!?" said Maurice.