"Riley! It's been a long time man!" Maurice and Riley fist bumped.

Riley had blue eyes, Light brown hair that was a little long I'm the front, looked kind of skinny, wearing a blue shirt that was quite dirty, scratched up blue jeans and gray sneakers. Riley was also about the same height as Zoar.

"How have you been man?" Riley said.

"I'm doing great! I'm finally close to stopping Neal Abrain!" Maurice threw his fist up in the air.

Riley laughed and Maurice joined him.

"Oh yeah, I gotta introduce you to my friends here!" Maurice turned to the group.

"The blonde on is Zoar, the short one is Ami, the pretty one is Kasstia and the tallest one is Blitray." Maurice pointed at each of them as he called their names.

"So how do you two know each other?" asked Kasstia.

"We used to both work for the same construction company about 6 years ago, we were the top dogs over there!" said Maurice and he slapped Riley on the back.

"Yeah that's right! Maurice got fired for sleeping on th-!" Maurice stopped Riley.

"Shut your damn mouth! All I did was quit!"

Riley laughed.

"Well, after you 'quit', I worked for about another year and decided to go live a peaceful little farm life!" Riley said.

"Truly a wonderful lifestyle." Blitray said.

"Yeah! He gets it!" Riley said.

"So who else lives here?" asked Zoar.

"No one, just me." Riley said.

Riley turned towards the village.

"I see you have a sword there, so that means you can fight right?" Riley's tone suddenly got darker.

"Yeah, why?" Zoar crossed his arms.

"When I first moved here, there was an elderly couple that lived in that house to the left, but the same night I moved in, they were attacked. I heard a scream in the dead of night and ran over with a shotgun. When I got there all I saw inside their house was torn furniture. The couple was nowhere insight. The next night, a foul beast wandered into my garden. It had eyes that glowed a bright green and it looked really sickening... I kept quite and watched it for about an hour. It left without noticing me. Now, it comes back atleast 3 times a week, but only at night. So, I want someone to kill it for me, I just can't do it out of fear for my life..." Riley turns back to Zoar.

"Yeah, I can do-" Zoar was interrupted by Blitray.

"I'll do it! Besides Zoar needs to rest after the training he did today!" said Blitray.

"I guess you are right." said Zoar.

Riley smiled.

"Thanks! Anyways, It's about 4:30 PM and it's gonna get dark soon, so how about y'all stay overnight? I'll make dinner and there's beds in the other house for you to use! So, whaddya think?" Riley grinned, waiting for a response.

"Hell yeah! I'm tired and need a good rest!" said Maurice.

"I agree with him for once!" said Ami.

"I guess we can..." Zoar didn't really want to waste time. Kasstia came up beside him and whispered to him.

"It'll be fine Zoar, Neal isn't going anywhere..." Kasstia said and followed the rest down the hill.

Kasstia's words fluttered through Zoar's head for some reason. It made him feel calm and relaxed.


Dinner came and went shortly. Riley made them fried chicken, peeled fruits, baked potatoes and a pot of piping hot carrot soup.

Maurice and Ami ate more than anyone, whilst Zoar had half of a baked potato.

When 9:00 PM struck, everyone was ready for bed. Blitray, Maurice and Ami were sent to their own house, while Kasstia and Zoar were sent to another. Specifically the one with only one bed.

Maurice and Ami had a play in this card.

Maurice and Ami were the first to fall alseep in their house.

Blitray didn't sleep however.

He was to stay up and wait for the mystery beast to make an appearance.


"Zoar, please! You sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the floor!"

Kasstia and Zoar were having trouble sleeping in their house.

"Kasstia, it's fine. I can easily sleep standing up, I learned to growing up in a forest." Zoar realized Kasstia only knew a little bit about his past.

"You grew up in a forest?" asked Kasstia.

"Yeah." Zoar walked over to the window.

"I guess I could tell you about my past. All you really know is that I hate my father, but you know nothing about anything else." Zoar turned to her.

Sitting on the bed, Kasstia was now in loose clothing and Zoar could see a good fit of cleavage, so he turned back to the window.

"I have been wanting to ask about the rest of your past life... Go ahead and tell me, Zoar. I'm all ears." Kasstia got on the front edge of the bed, closer to Zoar.

"Alright, It all started when..."

Zoar told Kasstia his story. The kidnapping planned by Neal. His mother's life being ruined by Neal. The murder. The forest and growing up in it. He told her about Lirethberg Industries and the day they changed his life.

By the end of it all, Zoar turned to see Kasstia with tears rolling down her face.

"Kasstia..." Zoar looked at her.

"Neal... Neal... How could he do all of this... To his wife... To his own Child!?"

Kasstia looked depressed and angry. Zoar felt bad for telling her everything all at once.

"There's no need to cry... We're going to stop it all. Together. Me, you, Ami, Maurice and Blitray."

Kasstia giggled a little.

"Your so good at cheering me up... At this rate, I might fall for you..."

Zoar was shocked and backed up a little.

"Well then, I guess you can just sleep standing up if you want to... Just know.... the beds open... Good night!" Kasstia quickly got under the covers. Zoar smirked a little and walked over to the corner furthest from the bed.

"Good night, Kasstia."


9:30 PM.

10:00 PM.

10:30 PM.

11:00 PM.

11:23 PM the beast still wasn't in sight but Blitray finally left. Ami was awake however.

She thought something fishy was going on with Blitray, so she decided she would follow him when he left.

Carefully and calmly, Ami followed him into the forest.

Ami followed about 10 meters behind him.

They walked for about 30 seconds and Ami saw Blitray stop so she did aswell.

Then she saw what looked like a bear with a bears head emerge from the woods.

Fear stricken Ami and she covered her mouth to hide her breath.

It looked like one the deer Blitray used his power on the earlier that day.

"Seems one of you ugly things have caused some trouble... If that bastard Zoar would've seen this then I would've been screwed..." Blitray said.

Shock coursed it's way through Ami's body. Her suspicions were right, but she didn't know Blitray had bad intentions.

"Be gone with you!" Blitray punched the beast in it's face and it vanished into a smoke like substance. Just like the other creature he made.

"Now time for you." Blitray turned around and looked dead into Ami's eyes, even though she was hiding behind a bush.

She started to shake and her teeth began to clatter.

A DARKNESS tentacle emerged from Blitray and it grabbed Ami. It wrapped around her tightly and it brought her closer to Blitray.

Ami wanted to scream, but she was too afraid to make a single sound.

"I'm going to make sure you never say anything..."

Ami then felt a sudden burst of pain shoot through out her body.

Her body became numb and she lost control of everything, but her eyelids and her breathing

She suddenly become extremely drowsy aswell.

"I call this "Cursed Lullaby"... My dear Ami, you will not awaken until I say so... good night..." Blitray said, then struck a smile filled with evilness.

Ami felt her eyes begin to drift and her vision began to fade.

She wanted to move, scream or do anything, but she couldn't do a single thing.