A missile, like a missile, did what missiles do.

Tweee Tweee Tweee Tweee Tweee Tweee

The siren sound continuously echoed through the cabin but the boy could do nothing about it as the airbag covered his whole body, making it impossible to move.

"Wha-what happened!?"

The boy was utterly confused as his situation made no sense at all, one second he was fighting bugs in space and on the next his airbag opened up at the same time he hit something solid with his mech.

"Did the mech had a defective airbag? No, there was an impact! But what did I hit!? Are there invisible bugs now!? That's impossible!! Then what the hell did I hit!? Ains, what's going on!?"

Answering the boy's voice, an artificial voice sounded in his earplug.

"Accordingly to the last 5 minutes log data, M-54 charged through a space anomaly crashing in the lake of an unknown planet."

"This is not time for jokes!"

"This unit doesn't have the jokes module installed. To install new modules please acquire them from the official modules store."

The boy wanted to punch the damn computer but unfortunately the airbag was doing an excellent job in holding him in place.

"At least get this thing off me!"

"Command Accepted! Withdrawing airbag..."

In less than two seconds the airbag that was giving the boy so much trouble disappeared from his sight and the siren that was giving him a headache stopped singing, making him question himself why he didn't ask this from the start.

Then, as the monitor appeared in front of him, he noticed the words from the A.I. were true and he had really, somehow, ended up crashing inside an unknown planet's lake...

"Are those...fishes??"

"Scanning.... Scan Complete! Indeed, they should be classified as fishes but they don't match any fish registered in database. A new species of fish was discovered! Name it now and receive a prize! The data will be sent to the research center and the prize will only be delivered after the discovery is confirmed."

"Heh? You had such a function??"

"New fish named 'Heh? You had such a function??', confirm or cancel?"


"A new species of fish was discovered! Name it now and receive a prize! The data will be sent to the research center and the prize will only be delivered after the discovery is confirmed."

"I got it! I got it! Name it Giant Red Salmon!"

"New fish named 'Giant Red Salmon', confirm or cancel?"


"Error! Unable to connect network! Please try again later or contact support!"


"A new species of fish was discovered! Name it now and receive a prize! The data will-"

"Leave this task pending until we reestablish contact with the base."


"Ains, can we head back through the anomaly that took us here?"

"Scanning... Anomaly not detected. Conclusion: Impossible."

"Damn! What now?"

"Suggestion: Secure area and wait for rescue."

"Ains, I'm just a soldier clone. I won't receive human rights until I complete 20 years of labor. There is no way they will come looking for me!"

"Suggestion: Secure area and stock supplies."

"Well... I think there is not much else we can do, right? How is the Mech status?"

"Energy down to 76%, Minor damage in 559 components, Major damage in 19 components, Legs completely destroyed, Energy Lance damaged, Energy Rifle damaged, 7 out of 8 Thrusters damaged."

"Can we move?"


"....Is there anything in good condition left in this mech?"

"Missile Launcher loaded (6/6) and ready. Internal Structure including computers, monitors, cockpit, movement sensors, connectors and so on are in perfect conditions. Scanners and Radars are also working fine."

"How is possible for the entire Internal Structure to be fine considering we have over 500 components damaged!?"

"External components are made to be broken in a way to protect the internal components."

"I see...any way to repair them?"

"If you are able to acquire the required replacement parts, I can guide the maintenance procedure..."

"Oh, sure. I bet there will be a spare parts store right behind that tree that will sell everything that we need!"

"Scanning... Scan Complete. Store not found. You have lost your bet."

"I was being sarcastic! Damn! That's why they tell us to not talk much with our Ains, they have the ability to make us crazy!"

"Incorrect! This unit doesn't have the mentioned feature installed. To install new modules please acquire them from the official modules store."

"Okay, enough joking around. Ains, scan the environment and tell me if it's habitable by humans, next scan the water and tell me if it's safe for me to drink."

"Scanning... Analyzing data... Processing Results... Conclusion: The environment of this planet is perfect for human life. Starting second task. Scanning... Analyzing data... Processing Results... Conclusion: This water is safe for humans to drink."

"Thanks god! At least I won't have to survive drinking recycled pee inside this steel can! All right! Time to get out and take a look around!"

"That's not advisable!"

"Eh? Why? You just said the environment was fine!"

"Yes, but it's inhabitants are not."


The boy looked around and saw a few animals as big as lions and tigers, but considering he had a laser pistol with him, he should have no problem dealing with them.

"Those guys are no match for my pistol, it won't be a problem!"

"Detecting one 50 meters long unknown snake species approaching..."

"50 meters!? Are you kidding me!?"

"This unit doesn't have-"

"I know! Damn it! Yeah, a monster 50 meters long will be too much! Then what do we do? Oh, yeah, the missiles! Is it possible to aim the missiles at the snake??"


"Just tell me the conclusion!"


"Then aim at it's head and shot!"


The missile was launched upward and rose in the sky.

"Eh? Wasn't you supposed to aim at the snake??? Why did you aim to the sky??"

Just as the boy asked this, the missile turned around and started falling right where the snake was.

Seeing the missile approaching from above, the snake raised it's head and stared straight at it with a menacing glare.

The missile was a missile so it made no difference to it as it continued to fly straight to the snake.

The snake found it odd that it's glare which was able to stop any creature alive was completely ignored, but since the odd flying "animal" was so small, it felt no threat from it, and that's exactly why the snake decide to eat it in a single bite if it dared to approach any closer...

As for the missile, well, it was a missile so it didn't think and just continued straight to the snake.

Seeing that the odd creature didn't give up, as soon as it was around 150 meters distance from the snake, the snake jumped at a surprising speed, reaching over 300 meters per second, swallowing the whole missile at once!

And the missile, like any other missile, did what missiles do, exploding inside the snake's mouth!



The result of the explosion couldn't be more disgusting as it spread bit size pieces of the snake all over the place, along with blood and everything else....


As a secondary effect, it also scared all animals around the lake, making this the perfect opportunity to escape.

"Well, let's take this chance to get away from here!"

Losing no time at all, the boy opened the cockpit of the mech and swam his way to the lakeside while equipped with only his special pilot armor, his pistol and the Ains ear plug.